Solution Review: Spanning Tree Protocol

In this lesson, we'll look at a solution to the spanning tree protocol programming assignment.


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from ports import ports
def is_better(BPDU1, BPDU2):
# If root is greater than BPDU1 is better
if(BPDU1[0] < BPDU2[0]):
return 1
elif(BPDU1[0] == BPDU2[0] and BPDU1[1] < BPDU2[1]):
return 1
elif(BPDU1[0] == BPDU2[0] and BPDU1[1] == BPDU2[1] and BPDU1[2] < BPDU2[2]):
return 1
elif(BPDU1[0] == BPDU2[0] and BPDU1[1] == BPDU2[1] and BPDU1[2] == BPDU2[2] and BPDU1[3] < BPDU2[3]):
return 1
return 0
class bridge:
def __init__(self, bridge_ID, port_list):
self.bridge_ID = bridge_ID
self.port_list = port_list # port_list[0] is the port with port number 0
self.config_BPDU = [bridge_ID, 0, bridge_ID, None] # Root ID, Cost, Transmitting Bridge ID, Transmitting Mac Address
self.receive_queue = {}
def initialize_recv_queue(self, bridges_dict):
for b in bridges_dict:
self.receive_queue[b] = []
def set_bridge(self, bridge_ID, num_ports, mac_addresses):
self.bridge_ID = bridge_ID
self.num_ports = num_ports
self.port_list = port_list
def get_port(self, bridge_number, bridges_dict):
for i in range(len(self.port_list)):
if(bridge_number in self.port_list[i].get_reachable_bridge_ID(bridges_dict, self.bridge_ID)):
return i
def find_best_BPDUs_received(self, bridges_dict):
# Select best BPDU at each bridge
best_BPDUs_recvd = {} # Bridge Number : BPDU
best_bpdu = 0
for sending_brg_id in self.receive_queue:
if(len(self.receive_queue[sending_brg_id]) > 0):
best_bpdu = self.receive_queue[sending_brg_id][0]
for bpdu in self.receive_queue[sending_brg_id]:
if is_better(bpdu, best_bpdu):
best_bpdu = bpdu
best_BPDUs_recvd[sending_brg_id] = best_bpdu
return best_BPDUs_recvd
def update_ports(self, bridges_dict, best_BPDUs_recvd):
for sending_brg_id in best_BPDUs_recvd:
if sending_brg_id is not self.config_BPDU[0]:
if self.port_list[self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)].port_type != 2:
pn = self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)
if(is_better(best_BPDUs_recvd[sending_brg_id], self.get_config_BPDU_at_port(pn))):
self.port_list[self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)].port_type = 0
self.port_list[self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)].port_type = 1
def elect_root(self, bridges_dict, best_BPDUs_recvd):
for sending_brg_id in best_BPDUs_recvd:
if(best_BPDUs_recvd[sending_brg_id][0] < self.config_BPDU[0]):
# New root bridge
self.config_BPDU[0] = best_BPDUs_recvd[sending_brg_id][0]
self.config_BPDU[1] = best_BPDUs_recvd[sending_brg_id][1] + 1
self.config_BPDU[2] = self.bridge_ID
self.config_BPDU[3] = self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)
if(self.get_root_port_id() is not None):
self.port_list[self.get_root_port_id()].port_type = 1
self.port_list[self.get_port(sending_brg_id, bridges_dict)].port_type = 2
def send_BPDUs(self, bridges_dict):
# Find all neighbors
for p in self.port_list:
if(p.get_port_state() > 0): # If sending port
# Send to all bridges on that segment
for b in p.get_reachable_bridge_ID(bridges_dict, self.bridge_ID):
pn = self.get_port(b, bridges_dict)
def receive_BPDUs(self, bridges_dict):
# Update the bridge's state according to the best BPDUs received
# Find best BPDU received from each bridge
best_BPDUs_recvd = self.find_best_BPDUs_received(bridges_dict)
# Compare BPDUs with those received at non-root ports
self.update_ports(bridges_dict, best_BPDUs_recvd)
# Find root bridge
self.elect_root(bridges_dict, best_BPDUs_recvd)
# Update dictionary and return
bridges_dict[self.bridge_ID] = self
return bridges_dict
def get_root_port_id(self):
for p in range(len(self.port_list)):
if self.port_list[p].port_type == 2:
return p
return None
def get_config_BPDU_at_port(self, port_number):
BPDU_at_port = self.config_BPDU
BPDU_at_port[3] = self.port_list[port_number].mac_address
def print_bridge(self):
print("~~~~~~Bridge ID: " + str(self.bridge_ID) + " Root ID: " + str(self.config_BPDU[0]) + "~~~~~~" )
print("MAC address | Port Type | Segment Number")
for port in self.port_list:



This function called on every bridge in the topology in a round-robin fashion. This function takes the bridges dictionary as input, makes some updates, and returns it.

It first iterates over all of non-blocking ports to find its neighbors. The neighbors are found by calling the function get_reachable_bridge_ID() on each port. This function returns a list of bridge IDs that are reachable from that port. Each of those bridges is sent the bridge’s current BPDU by appending them to that bridge’s receive_queue.


This function called on every bridge in the topology in a round-robin fashion right after the send_BPDUs() function is called. It consists of a number of function calls. Let’s discuss each.

  1. find_best_BPDUs_received(bridges_dict): this function returns the best BPDUs received on each port. Since each port of a bridge could have received multiple BPDUs, the best ones out of those need to be retrieved first. A dictionary where the key is the bridge number and the received BPDU is the value is generated and returned.

  2. update_ports(): this function iterates over the best BPDUs and updates the ports to be blocking if the one received is better than the one it would have sent and to forwarding otherwise. It uses the helper function is_better() to do this. is_better() is fairly straightforward: it takes two BPDUs as input and returns 1 if the first one is better and 0 if it’s not.

  3. elect_root: lastly, the root is elected. The best BPDUs are iterated over and if any one of them’s root ID is smaller than the one that the bridge currently believes to be the root, it’s updated to the new values and the port from which this BPDU was received is set to be the new root. Furthermore, if an old root port existed, it is changed to forwarding.

Lastly, the dictionary of bridges is updated with self and returned.

In the next lesson, we’ll study virtual LANs!

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