
Learn about various input methods in Node.js.

We'll cover the following

Command line input

Let’s start with the most basic form of input, the command line input. Depending on how much you have used a terminal before, you may or may not be familiar with passing input to a program using the terminal. Let’s see how we do that first.

Suppose we have a simple program called app.js. This program prints out whatever you pass to it. You can pass it arguments by simply writing them after the program’s name in the terminal. Try it out with the command node app.js Hello. Hit the RUN button to get started.

console.log('Hey there,' , process.argv[2]); 
//  process.argv.forEach((val, index) => {
//   console.log(`${index}: ${val}`);
// });
Hit the RUN button to update your code before running it in the terminal

In this simple example, it is just one line of code. You might remember the console.log from the Hello World in the first lesson. The console is a very versatile module that we will explore more in a later section. The process module and, specifically, process.argv is what we want to focus on right now. You might be wondering why we have a 2 in square brackets after argv. This is because all of our command-line arguments are passed to the argv property.

  • The first argument, 0, is the process.execPath, which is the path of the node executable.
  • The second argument, 1, is the path of the JavaScript file that is being run.
  • The next argument(s) are the command-line arguments, if any have been passed. In our case, this will be a simple Hello.

Try uncommenting the code on line 2 to line 4 to get an idea about the indices used.

We also have packages, such as yargs that make parsing command-line arguments easier.

Console input

In Node.js, we often don’t need to use console input in our programs since we are usually working with programs that have an easy-to-use front-end. However, sometimes we do need to use the console for input. For that, we have the readline module. Let’s see how that works. Hit the RUN button to get started.

const readline = require('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout

let query = 'What is your name?\n'

rl.question(query, (answer) => {
  console.log(`Hello ${answer}!`);
Hit the RUN button to update your code before running it in the terminal

Let’s break down the code and see what is happening:

  • On line 1, we are importing the readline module so that we can use it in our code.
  • The readline module needs an interface to work. This interface can be a file, or in our case, the console. We want to get input from the console and output some information on the console. In Node.js, the process object has two properties that can help us: the stdin for input and stdout for output. We use the createInterface method to create a new readline.Interface instance and save that as rl on line 3.
  • We define our query on line 8. This is what will be displayed on the console.
  • The readline.Interface has a method, which is aptly named question. This allows us to ask the user a question from the console. The question method takes a query string that we have defined before and a callback function. The callback function is passed the input as the first parameter.
  • Our callback function is a simple console.log() with a ${answer} in backticks. The ${answer} with backticks get replaced with whatever is passed as the answer. This is done on line 11.
  • A very important method, rl.close(), is called on line 13. This method informs the interface that we are done with our console I/O and Node.js can proceed further.

It may seem like a plethora of information has been presented to you, but things will start to make more sense as we move ahead with the course. We will discuss most of the technical terms discussed above in the coming lessons.

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