Learn about the importance of the package.json file.
We'll cover the following
What is package.json?
Every published package has a package.json
file. This file makes it easy for others to manage and install the package. It gives information to npm that allows it to identify the package as well as handle the package’s dependencies. Node.js is only aware of two fields: name
and version
. However, other fields, such as dependencies
, and main
are vital for a package to be used.
Let’s take a look at the content in the package.json
of jsonwebtoken, a popular Node.js package that is used for authentication.
{"name": "jsonwebtoken","version": "8.5.1","description": "JSON Web Token implementation (symmetric and asymmetric)","main": "index.js","nyc": {"check-coverage": true,"lines": 95,"statements": 95,"functions": 100,"branches": 95,"exclude": ["./test/**"],"reporter": ["json","lcov","text-summary"]},"scripts": {"lint": "eslint .","coverage": "nyc mocha --use_strict","test": "npm run lint && npm run coverage && cost-of-modules"},"repository": {"type": "git","url": ""},"keywords": ["jwt"],"author": "auth0","license": "MIT","bugs": {"url": ""},"dependencies": {"jws": "^3.2.2","lodash.includes": "^4.3.0","lodash.isboolean": "^3.0.3","lodash.isinteger": "^4.0.4","lodash.isnumber": "^3.0.3","lodash.isplainobject": "^4.0.6","lodash.isstring": "^4.0.1","lodash.once": "^4.0.0","ms": "^2.1.1","semver": "^5.6.0"},"devDependencies": {"atob": "^2.1.2","chai": "^4.1.2","conventional-changelog": "~1.1.0","cost-of-modules": "^1.0.1","eslint": "^4.19.1","mocha": "^5.2.0","nsp": "^2.6.2","nyc": "^11.9.0","sinon": "^6.0.0"},"engines": {"npm": ">=1.4.28","node": ">=4"},"files": ["lib","decode.js","sign.js","verify.js"]}
There are several different descriptors in the package.json
file, let’s take a look at some of the common ones.
Field | Explanation |
name |
The name of the package |
version |
Package version in major.minor.patch format |
description |
A few words to describe the package |
main |
The entry point of the package, used when require("package name") is run; it is resolved to require(package.json:main) |
repository |
URL of the repository |
keywords |
Used to describe the package and improve search results |
dependencies |
List of dependencies that are available on npm |
devDependencies |
Recommended or required dependencies to modify the package |
Other fields such as -— author
, contributors
, and homepage
– are used to give credit and links for additional references.
Package dependencies
Dependencies can be added to the package.json
file automatically, using the CLI.
To add dependencies to the package.json file from the command line, you can install them in the root directory of the package. This is the command:
npm install <package-name>
For devDependencies we use the --save-dev
flag. This is the command:
npm install <package-name> --save-dev
We can also edit the
file manually to add dependencies using a text editor.
Installing dependencies
While working on a Node.js project, we often install a number of packages and dependencies. Another benefit of the package.json
file is that it allows us to install all the dependencies with just a single line. The package.json
is located in the root directory of projects and contains all the dependencies of the project. So, to install the dependencies for a project, all you have to do is go to the root directory of the project and use the following command:
npm install
This command is very useful when installing projects from websites such as GitHub.
Let’s try to install the dependencies for this GitHub project. We have already downloaded the project for you using the git clone
command. Just try to install it.
Don’t forget to go into the project directory before running the install command. You can view all the contents of the current directory using the
command. You can go to a directory by using the commandcd directory-name
This project consists of two components: the server-side and the client-side. The root directory contains a package.json
file for the server. However, if you navigate into the client
folder, you will find another package.json
file. This file contains the dependencies for the client component. These dependencies can be installed by running npm install
in the client folder.
You might have noticed the ^
before the version numbers in the dependencies above. This caret is added to show the minimum version that is needed for this package to run. This means that we need jws
version 3.2.2
for this package to run. This is on line 39. However, if there was an update to jws
and a newer version, 3.2.3
, was released, the next time someone installs the jsonwebtoken
package, they will install the latest version of jws
. Usually, updating to a newer version does not cause issues as long as the major version is the same. However, sometimes, a newer version of a dependency can prevent packages from working as expected. This is where the package-lock.json
comes in.
The package-lock.json
is automatically generated when either the node_modules
tree or package.json
is modified by npm. It describes the exact tree that was generated. This allows us to ensure a consistent install with compatible dependencies across devices.
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