Bidirectional LSTM

Chapter Goals:

  • Learn about the bidirectional LSTM and why it's used

A. Forwards and backwards

The language model from the Language Model section of this course used a regular LSTM which read each input sequence in the forwards direction. This meant that the recurrent connections went in the left-right direction, i.e. from time step tt to time step t+1t + 1.

While regular LSTMs work well for most NLP tasks, they are not always the best option. Specifically, when we have access to a completed text sequence (e.g. text classification), it may be beneficial to look at the sequence in both the forwards and backwards directions.

By looking at a sequence in both directions, the model can take into account both the past and future context of words and phrases in the text sequence, which allows it to obtain a better understanding of the text sequence.

B. Bidirectional LSTM structure

The way we look at an input sequence in both directions is with a model called a bidirectional LSTM, or BiLSTM for short. The model architecture is incredibly simple: it consists of a regular forwards LSTM and a backwards LSTM, which reads the input sequence in reverse.


The above diagram shows a (unrolled) BiLSTM with 3 time steps. On the left is the forwards LSTM and on the right is the backwards LSTM. The sequence [x1,x2,x3][x_1, x_2, x_3] represents an input (embedded) sequence.

Note: It is also possible to create a bidirectional RNN with general RNN cells rather than LSTM cells. However, since this Lab focuses on LSTM cells, we'll continue using the BiLSTM variant.

C. BiLSTM in TensorFlow

In TensorFlow, we can create and run a BiLSTM using the tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional function. This function is very similar to the tf.compat.v1.nn.dynamic_rnn function for regular LSTMs.

The code below shows example usage of tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional.

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import tensorflow as tf
cell = tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell(7)
rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(cell, return_sequences=True ,
go_backwards=True , return_state=True)
# Embedded input sequences
# Shape: (batch_size, time_steps, embed_dim)
input_embeddings = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=(None, 10, 12))
Bi_rnn= tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional(
outputs = Bi_rnn(input_embeddings)

The tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional function returns a Bidirectional RNN object. Input embeddings passed as argument to Bidirectional RNN object. It returns tuple containing the LSTM outputs and the final LSTM states. Since a BiLSTM contains two LSTMs, both outputs and final_states shown in the example are tuples. We won't worry about final_states for now.

However, note that outputs[0] represents the outputs of the forwards LSTM while outputs[1] represents the outputs of the backwards LSTM. This is important for calculating the model's logits (which we'll do in the next chapter).

Time to Code!

In this chapter you'll be completing the run_bilstm function, which runs a bidirectional LSTM on input sequences.

The function has already been filled with code that converts the sequences to embeddings and uses the make_lstm_cell function to create the directional LSTM cells. Your task is to use the tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional function to run the BiLSTM.

We only need to use the first element of the returned tuple from running the BiLSTM. We also use sequence_lengths and tf.float32 for the sequence_length and dtype keyword arguments, respectively.

First create rnn object using tf.keras.layers.RNN with input argument go_backword = True

Set Bi_rnn equals to the tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional. Use rnn and merge_mode=None as the required arguments.

Pass input_embeddings as required argument in object Bi_rnn

Return a tuple containing lstm_outputs as the first element and sequence_lengths as the second element.

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import tensorflow as tf
# Text classification model
class ClassificationModel(object):
# Model initialization
def __init__(self, vocab_size, max_length, num_lstm_units):
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.max_length = max_length
self.num_lstm_units = num_lstm_units
# See the Word Embeddings Lab for details on the Tokenizer
self.tokenizer = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(num_words=self.vocab_size)
def make_lstm_cell(self, dropout_keep_prob):
cell = tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell(self.num_lstm_units, dropout=dropout_keep_prob)
return cell
# Use feature columns to create input embeddings
def get_input_embeddings(self, input_sequences):
input_col = tf.compat.v1.feature_column \
'inputs', self.vocab_size)
embed_size = int(self.vocab_size**0.25)
embed_col = tf.compat.v1.feature_column.embedding_column(
input_col, embed_size)
input_dict = {'inputs': input_sequences}
input_embeddings= tf.compat.v1.feature_column \
input_dict, [embed_col])
sequence_lengths = tf.compat.v1.placeholder("int64", shape=(None,),
return input_embeddings, sequence_lengths
# Create and run a BiLSTM on the input sequences
def run_bilstm(self, input_sequences, is_training):
input_embeddings, sequence_lengths = self.get_input_embeddings(input_sequences)
dropout_keep_prob = 0.5 if is_training else 1.0
cell = self.make_lstm_cell(dropout_keep_prob)

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