Training Data

Understand how training data is processed for sequence to sequence models.

Chapter Goals:

  • Learn about the data used to train a seq2seq model
  • Process input and output sequences into training data

A. Training task

For a seq2seq model, we use training pairs that contain an input sequence and an output sequence. For example, in machine translation the input sequence would be a sentence in one language, and the output sequence would be the sentence's correct translation in the other language.

During training, we perform two tasks:

  1. Input Task: Extract useful information from the input sequence
  2. Output Task: Calculate word probabilities at each output time step, using information from the input sequence and previous words in the output sequence

The input task is very common in NLP (e.g. text classification), and doesn't require any processing of the input sequence. The output task is equivalent to the task of language modeling, so it requires processing of the output sequence.

Specifically, we process the output sequence into two separate sequences: the ground truth sequence and the final token sequence.

B. Processing the output

The ground truth sequence for a seq2seq model is equivalent to the input sequence for a language model. It represents sequence prefixes that we use to calculate word probabilities at each time step of the output.

The final token sequence for a seq2seq model is equivalent to the output sequence when training a language model. It represents the "correct" words that the model should predict, based on the prefixes in the ground truth sequence.

The ground truth and final token sequences are used to train a seq2seq model similar to how a language model is trained. The specific training details will be covered in later chapters when we introduce the encoder-decoder model.

C. SOS and EOS tokens

For seq2seq models, it is important to have start-of-sequence (SOS) and end-of-sequence (EOS) tokens. These tokens mark the start and end of a tokenized text sequence.

We will cover the reasoning behind using SOS and EOS tokens in later chapters. For now, just know that when the two tokens are added to the text corpus vocabulary, we refer to the new vocabulary as the extended vocabulary.

Time to Code!

In this section of the course you'll be creating a Seq2SeqModel object, which represents a seq2seq model.

Specifically, in this chapter you'll be completing the make_training_tuple function, which converts an input/output sequence pair into a training tuple.

The function is already filled with code that creates truncated versions of the output sequence and sets singleton lists for the SOS and EOS tokens. Your task is to use these truncated sequences and SOS/EOS tokens to create a tuple containing the update input, ground truth, and final token sequences.

For training the seq2seq model, the input sequence needs to have both the SOS and EOS tokens.

Set input_sequence equal to input_sequence with sos_token added to the front and eos_token added to the back.

The ground truth sequence is truncated in the back, so we only add the SOS token.

Set ground_truth equal to truncate_back with sos_token added to the front.

The final token sequence for the seq2seq model is truncated in the front, so we only add the EOS token.

Set final_sequence equal to truncate_front with eos_token added to the back.

Return a tuple containing input_sequence as the first element, ground_truth as the second, and final_sequence as the third.

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import tensorflow as tf
# Seq2seq model
class Seq2SeqModel(object):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, num_lstm_layers, num_lstm_units):
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
# Extended vocabulary includes start, stop token
self.extended_vocab_size = vocab_size + 2
self.num_lstm_layers = num_lstm_layers
self.num_lstm_units = num_lstm_units
self.tokenizer = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(
# Create a sequence training tuple from input/output sequences
def make_training_tuple(self, input_sequence, output_sequence):
truncate_front = output_sequence[1:]
truncate_back = output_sequence[:-1]
sos_token = [self.vocab_size]
eos_token = [self.vocab_size + 1]

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