Invoking System Utilities

Here, you'll learn how to invoke system utilities!

We'll cover the following


Now that mogrify is available to your Lambda function, you can change the source code for the conversion function to execute it.

To start a command-line utility from JavaScript, you’ll need to use the Node.js child process features.

The spawn function from the Node.js child_process module uses callbacks. You need to wrap that function into a Promise, so it can be used directly in async functions. (This is a limitation of Node.js, so if you are using a different language, the whole issue with multiple types of asynchronous processes does not apply.) Another file is added to your image-conversion function directory and is called child-process-promise.js. The file should contain the following listing, which is a relatively generic function that will create a sub-process to invoke an external command and print out any console output into the logs so you can troubleshoot more easily.

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