Camera System

The camera system in Unity is a powerful tool for creating immersive and engaging game experiences. It allows us to control the view of the game world and provide players with a sense of depth and space. In this lesson, we'll learn how to use the camera system in Unity to create dynamic camera views, follow a player character, and set up a basic camera controller.

Camera types

In Unity, there are two types of cameras: orthographic and perspective. Orthographic cameras are best suited for 2D games because they don't consider depth or perspective. On the other hand, perspective cameras are used for 3D games and provide a realistic view of the game world. When setting up a camera in Unity, we can choose between these two camera types and adjust their properties to fit our game’s needs.

 Let’s learn about these camera types.

Orthographic cameras

Orthographic cameras are primarily designed for 2D games and applications. What sets them apart is their ability to create a flat and depthless view of the scene. These cameras don't consider perspective, making them ideal for games where objects maintain their size regardless of their distance from the camera. This characteristic makes orthographic cameras perfect for top-down games, platformers, and 2D simulations.

Given below are the key features of orthographic cameras:

  • No perspective or depth perception

  • Objects maintain their size regardless of distance

  • Well-suited for 2D games and architectural designs

  • Useful for creating isometric views

Perspective cameras

Perspective cameras are the go-to choice for 3D games and AR applications because they simulate real-world depth and perspective. These cameras mimic how our eyes perceive objects in the physical world, creating the illusion of distance and three-dimensionality. Perspective cameras consider the concept of a vanishing point, where objects appear smaller as they move away from the camera, providing a more immersive and realistic visual experience.

Given below are the key features of perspective cameras:

  • Simulates depth and perspective

  • Objects appear smaller as they move farther from the camera

  • Ideal for 3D games, VR, and AR

  • Provides a lifelike representation of the game world

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