Exercise 1: Even sequence generator

Problem statement

Your task is to complete the EvenNumbers function by adding a loop that will collect the first n even numbers into a list. The sequence of even numbers starts from 0 and increases by 2 each time, for example, 0, 2, 4, 6, up to a maximum of 18.

You are provided with a function that already has a list declared for you. Your job is to fill this list with the correct even numbers until you have n numbers in the list. Remember, you do not need to create the function and only need to add the loop that will generate the even numbers.

Sample input

The number n is int.

Expected output

If n = 2, the output is expected to be [0,2]. Similarly, if n = 10, the output is expected to be [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18].

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