What Will You Learn?

Get started with Unity’s AR Foundation package to create immersive AR experiences, including scene setup, object tracking, and interactivity.

In this lesson, we'll learn how to create AR experiences using Unity’s AR Foundation package. We will start by setting up the scene, importing 3D assets, and configuring the camera for AR. We will then learn how to use AR Foundation’s features to track real-world objects, place virtual objects in the environment, and add interactivity to our AR experiences.

Here’s an overview of what we'll learn.

Packages and scene setup

Several packages are essential for creating AR experiences in Unity’s AR Foundation. We need to change to the Unity registry to download the following packages for the first time. These include the AR Foundation package, which provides a framework for building AR apps that can run on iOS and Android devices. The package also consists of the ARKit and ARCore packages, which provide device-specific functionality for iOS and Android.

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