
Learn how to execute data extraction in TensorFlow.

Chapter Goals:

  • Iterate through a dataset and extract pixel data using tf.compat.v1.Session

A. Data iteration

In the previous chapter we set up a next-element tensor using the get_next function. The way we actually execute the data extraction is by using the run function of tf.compat.v1.Session.

Each time we use sess.run(next_image), we are iterating a single step through our dataset. So the first time we use sess.run(next_image), it’ll return the first pixel array in dataset (as a NumPy array), and the ithi^{th} time it’ll return the ithi^{th} pixel array in dataset.

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it = tf.compat.v1.data.make_one_shot_iterator(dataset)
next_image = it.get_next()
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
for i in range(3):

We can only call sess.run(next_image) for the number of images there are in the dataset before we get an OutOfRangeError.

B. Using data

Rather than going through the decoding process every time we use a dataset of image files, it is usually better to just decode once and save the NumPy pixel data in a file. This can be done with the numpy.save function.

The code below shows examples of using numpy.save. The file itself is not human-readable, but can be loaded back into a NumPy array with numpy.load.

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import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Saves to 'arr.npy'
np.save('arr.npy', arr)
# Also saves to 'arr.npy'
np.save('arr', arr)
# Loading from that file
arr_copy = np.load('arr.npy')

There are other more efficient ways to store the decoded data. However, for smaller projects that don’t use too large of an image dataset, the way of saving NumPy data in a file works fine.

Time to Code!

In this chapter we’ll be completing the get_image_data function from the previous chapter.

Since we’re going to return a list of all our image pixel data, we want to first initialize this list.

Set image_data_list equal to an empty list.

We’ll put our iteration and execution code within the scope of a tf.compat.v1.Session. For more information on tf.compat.v1.Session scopes, see the Machine Learning for Software Engineers course on Educative.

Create a with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess code block.

Inside the scope of sess, create a for loop that iterates i through range(len(image_paths)).

Inside the for loop, we’ll execute a single data extraction and append the extracted pixel array to the list.

Set image_data equal to sess.run(next_image).

Append the resultant image_data to image_data_list.

After iterating through the entire dataset, we can return image_data_list.

Outside the scope of sess, return image_data_list.

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import tensorflow as tf
# Get the decoded image data from the input image file paths
def get_image_data(image_paths, image_type=None, resize_shape=None, channels=0):
dataset = get_dataset(image_paths, image_type, resize_shape, channels)
iterator =tf.compat.v1.data.make_one_shot_iterator(dataset)
next_image = iterator.get_next()

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