Stacking Fire

Stack multiple fire modules together by creating a utility function.

Chapter Goals:

  • Write a utility function to stack multiple fire modules

A. Utility function

While the SqueezeNet model uses very few parameters, it still has many layers. The original architecture, which was built for the larger ImageNet dataset, uses 8 fire modules. Our model is a condensed version, and only uses 4. However, that is still several fire modules, making it useful to write a utility function that can stack multiple layers.

In general, when we deal with more complex model architectures, there are going to be repetitions of the main building blocks in the model. Rather than writing layers upon layers of the same code, we can create a utility function that allows us to combine multiple building blocks. This is especially helpful for models that have dozens or even hundreds of layers, which is the case in the ResNet section.

Time to Code!

In this chapter, you'll be stacking fire modules by using the fire_module function from the previous chapter. The function that you'll complete which performs this task is multi_fire_module (line 41).

The params_list argument is a list of tuples, where each tuple represents the arguments for a fire module, i.e. (squeeze_depth, expand_depth, name). We'll loop through the params_list to create each of the fire modules.

Create a for loop that goes through each params tuple in params_list.

The layer argument is the initial input data for our multi-fire module. We'll use it as the inputs argument for each fire module, as well as set it to the output of each fire module. This way we can continuously reuse the same variable.

Inside the for loop, set layer equal to self.fire_module applied with layer as the first argument and the remaining three arguments coming from params.

After the end of the for loop, layer represents the output of the final fire module.

Outside the for loop, return layer.

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import tensorflow as tf
class SqueezeNetModel(object):
# Model Initialization
def __init__(self, original_dim, resize_dim, output_size):
self.original_dim = original_dim
self.resize_dim = resize_dim
self.output_size = output_size
# Convolution layer wrapper
def custom_conv2d(self, inputs, filters, kernel_size, name):
#return tf.layers.conv2d(
return tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(
# SqueezeNet fire module
def fire_module(self, inputs, squeeze_depth, expand_depth, name):
with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
squeezed_inputs = self.custom_conv2d(
[1, 1],
expand1x1 = self.custom_conv2d(
[1, 1],
expand3x3 = self.custom_conv2d(
[3, 3],
return tf.concat([expand1x1, expand3x3], axis=-1)
# Stacked fire modules
def multi_fire_module(self, layer, params_list):

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