Solution: Time Based Key-Value Store
Let's solve the Time Based Key-Value Store problem using Custom Data Structures.
Implement a data structure that can store multiple values of the same key at different timestamps and retrieve the key’s value at a certain timestamp.
You’ll need to implement the TimeStamp class. This class has the following functions:
Init(): This function initializes the values dictionary and timestamp dictionary.
Set Value(key, value, timestamp): This function stores the key and value at any given timestamp.
Get Value(key, timestamp): This function returns the value set for this key at the specified timestamp.
Note: When a query requests the value of a key at a timestamp that isn’t recorded, return the value corresponding to the most recent timestamp before the query’s timestamp. If there are no timestamps before the query’s timestamp, return an empty string.
consist of lowercase English letters and digits.-
- At most calls will be made to Set Value and Get Value.
- All the timestamps
of Set Value are strictly increasing.
So far, you have probably brainstormed some approaches and have an idea of how to solve this problem. Let’s explore some of these approaches and figure out which to follow based on considerations such as time complexity and implementation constraints.
Naive approach
The naive approach uses three individual lists to store the key, value, and timestamp, each in a separate list. To set a value, we’ll simply append key
, value
, and timestamp
in their respective lists. To get a value, we’ll perform a linear search and search for a specific value
for the given timestamp
and key
throughout the list.
The time complexity to set a value is , whereas to get a value is , where represents the total number of values in a list. However, the space complexity of the naive approach is .
Optimized approach using binary search
The key idea is to minimize the time complexity by using the binary search instead of linear search. We can use the binary search to implement our logic and can decrease the time complexity to a great extent.
We will use the two dictionaries. The first dictionary, valuesDict
, stores the values against a specific key. The second dictionary, timestampDict
, stores the timestamps corresponding to the same key to keep track of the values stored at a specific timestamp.
Set Value(key, value, timestamp): This function adds the key
with the value
for the given timestamp
. For this, we check if the key
already exists in the valuesDict
- If the
exists and the providedvalue
is not equal to the last value stored in thevaluesDict
for this key, we append thevalue
to the lists associated with that key in thevaluesDict
, respectively. - If the
does not exist in thevaluesDict
dictionary, it creates a new entry in both thevaluesDict
Get Value(key, timestamp): This function returns the value
set previously, with the highest timestamp for the respective key
. This function uses the searchIndex
function, which uses the binary search in its implementation. To implement this function, we initialize the left
and right
variables as starting and ending positions of the timestampDict
dictionary. We then find the middle position and move these pointers to get the required value. If the required value is less than the middle value, we increment the right
pointer. Otherwise, we increment the left
We check the following conditions to get the required value:
We first verify whether or not the required
exists. If it does not exist, then return the empty string. -
If the
exists, we check the following conditions:- If the given timestamp does not exist but is greater than the timestamp that was set previously, it returns the value associated with the nearest smaller timestamp.
- If the given timestamp exists, it returns the value associated with the given key and timestamp.
Here’s a demonstration of the algorithm above:
Let’s look at the code for this solution below:
import java.util.*;class TimeStamp {HashMap<String, List<String>> valuesDict;HashMap<String, List<Integer>> timestampDict;public TimeStamp() {valuesDict = new HashMap<String, List<String>> ();timestampDict = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>> ();}// Set TimeStamp data variablespublic void setValue(String key, String value, int timestamp) {if (valuesDict.containsKey(key)) {if (value != valuesDict.get(key).get(valuesDict.get(key).size() - 1)) {valuesDict.get(key).add(value);timestampDict.get(key).add(timestamp);}} else {valuesDict.put(key, new ArrayList<String> ());valuesDict.get(key).add(value);timestampDict.put(key, new ArrayList<Integer> ());timestampDict.get(key).add(timestamp);}}// Find the index of right most occurrence of the given timestamp using binary searchpublic int searchIndex(int n, String key, int timeStamp) {int left = 0;int right = n;int mid = 0;while (left<right) {mid = left + (right - left) / 2;if (!(timestampDict.get(key).get(mid) > timeStamp)) left = mid + 1;else right = mid;}return left - 1;}// Get the value for the given key and timestamppublic String getValue(String key, int timeStamp) {int index = 0;if (!valuesDict.containsKey(key)) {return "";} else {index = searchIndex(timestampDict.get(key).size(), key, timeStamp) ;}if (index > -1) {return valuesDict.get(key).get(index);}return "";}// Driver codepublic static void main(String args[]) {TimeStamp ts = new TimeStamp();int num = 1;List<Triplet> input = Arrays.asList(new Triplet("course", "OOP", 3), new Triplet("course", "PF", 5), new Triplet("course", "OS", 7), new Triplet("course", "ALGO", 9), new Triplet("course", "DB", 10));for (int i = 0; i<input.size(); i++) {System.out.println(num + ".\tAdd value: (" + '"' + input.get(i).course + '"' + ", " + '"' + input.get(i).cName + '"' + ", " + input.get(i).id + ")");ts.setValue(input.get(i).course, input.get(i).cName, input.get(i).id);int randomInt = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 - 1 + 1) + 1);System.out.println("\n\tGet value for:");System.out.println("\t\tKey = course \n\t\tTimestamp = " + randomInt);System.out.println("\n\tReturned value = " + '"' + ts.getValue("course", randomInt) + '"');num += 1;System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
Solution summary
To recap, the solution to this problem can be divided into the following parts:
Set Value(): This first checks if the key already exists in the dictionary. If the key exists and the provided value is different from the last stored value for that key, it appends the new value and timestamp to respective lists. If the key is not present, it creates a new entry in both the value and timestamp dictionaries.
Get Value(): This checks if the key exists in the dictionary. If it does, it uses binary search to find the index of the rightmost occurrence of the given timestamp in the timestamps list. If an index is found, it returns the corresponding value. Otherwise, it returns an empty string.
Time complexity
The time complexity to set the value in the hash map is . The binary search takes time to search the element, so the time complexity to get the element will be .
Space complexity
The space complexity of the algorithm above is , where n is the total number of values because we’re calculating the hash map for all the values.
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