Solution: Compilation Order
Let's solve the Compilation Order problem using the Topological Sort pattern.
There are a total of classes labeled with the English alphabet (, , , and so on). Some classes are dependent on other classes for compilation. For example, if class extends class , then has a dependency on . Therefore, must be compiled before .
Given a list of the dependency pairs, find the order in which the classes should be compiled.
- Class name should be a character.
- All dependency pairs should be unique.
So far, you’ve probably brainstormed some approaches and have an idea of how to solve this problem. Let’s explore some of these approaches and figure out which one to follow based on considerations such as time complexity and any implementation constraints.
Naive approach
The naive approach is to generate all possible compilation orders for the given classes and then select the ones that satisfy the dependencies.
However, this would be very expensive since there would be an exponential number of possible orders ( , where is the number of classes) and only a handful of valid ones. The time complexity for this approach is . The space complexity is .
Optimized approach using topological sort
A more optimized solution to the above problem is topological ordering. Topological sort is used to find a linear ordering of elements that have dependencies on or priority over each other. For example, if is dependent on or if has priority over , is listed before in topological order. Since we’re looking for the order of compilation of classes, this problem lends itself naturally to the topological sort pattern.
For this problem, we find the topological order of the given classes using the list of class dependencies. The vertices in the graph represent the classes, and the directed edge represents the dependency relationship.
From the example above, we get the order . Two other possible orderings of the classes above can be or . This order of graph vertices is known as a topological sorted order.
We can say that a topological ordering starts with one of the sources and ends at one of the sinks:
Source: Any vertex with no incoming edge and only outgoing edges is called a source.
Sink: Any vertex that has only incoming edges and no outgoing edge is called a sink.
The illustration below gives a rundown of the solution:
Note: In the following section, we will gradually build the solution. Alternatively, you can skip straight to just the code.
Step-by-step solution construction
To find the topological sort of a graph, we use a breadth-first search (BFS) approach for traversing the vertices.
We store the graph in adjacency lists in which each parent vertex has a list containing all of its children. For example, in the above slide deck, the adjacency list for vertex would be . To find the sources, we maintain a hash map to count the in-degrees, which is the count of incoming edges of a vertex. Any vertex with a in-degree is a source. We store the topological order in a list called sorted order.
Here is how we implement this solution:
- We initialize the graph with an empty adjacency list for each vertex. The vertices will have an in-degree of . If the length of the graph is , that is, there are no vertices, we’ll return an empty list.
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();// a. Initialize the graph and inDegreeHashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();System.out.println("\tInitializing the graph and inDegree");for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}System.out.println("\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\tinDegree: " + inDegree + "\n");if(graph.size() <= 0){System.out.println("\tThere are no vertices");System.out.println("\t\tReturning the sorted order: " + sortedOrder);}return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
- Next, we build our graph from the input dependencies and populate the in-degrees in the hash map. We traverse over the dependency pairs and identify parent and child classes. Then, we add the child to the parent’s adjacency list and increment it’s in-degree by 1.
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();// a. Initialize the graph and inDegreeHashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();System.out.println("\tInitializing the graph and inDegree");for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}System.out.println("\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\tinDegree: " + inDegree + "\n");if(graph.size() <= 0){System.out.println("\tThere are no vertices");System.out.println("\t\tReturning the sorted order: " + sortedOrder);return sortedOrder;}System.out.println("\tBuilding the graph and populating inDegree");// b. Build the graphint k = 0;for (int dependency = 0; dependency < dependencies.size(); dependency++){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + k);k += 1;char parent = dependencies.get(dependency).get(1);char child = dependencies.get(dependency).get(0);graph.get(parent).add(child); // put the child into it's parent's listinDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1); // increment child's inDegreeSystem.out.println("\t\t\tDependency pair: " + dependencies.get(dependency) + " ⟶ parent: " + parent + ", child: " + child);System.out.println("\t\t\tAppending the child to the parent's list in the graph:");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\t\tIncrementing indegree of the child ⟶ " + inDegree);}System.out.println();return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
- The next step is to find all sources, that is, vertices with in-degree . These nodes are the first ones to be removed from our graph and added to the sorted order list.
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();// a. Initialize the graph and inDegreeHashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();System.out.println("\tInitializing the graph and inDegree");for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}System.out.println("\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\tinDegree: " + inDegree + "\n");if(graph.size() <= 0){System.out.println("\tThere are no vertices");System.out.println("\t\tReturning the sorted order: " + sortedOrder);return sortedOrder;}System.out.println("\tBuilding the graph and populating inDegree");// b. Build the graphint k = 0;for (int dependency = 0; dependency < dependencies.size(); dependency++){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + k);k += 1;char parent = dependencies.get(dependency).get(1);char child = dependencies.get(dependency).get(0);graph.get(parent).add(child); // put the child into it's parent's listinDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1); // increment child's inDegreeSystem.out.println("\t\t\tDependency pair: " + dependencies.get(dependency) + " ⟶ parent: " + parent + ", child: " + child);System.out.println("\t\t\tAppending the child to the parent's list in the graph:");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\t\tIncrementing indegree of the child ⟶ " + inDegree);}System.out.println();// c. Find all sources i.e., all n with 0 in-degreesSystem.out.println("\n\tFinding all sources");Queue<Character> sources = new LinkedList<>();int l = 0;for(char key : inDegree.keySet()){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + l );l += 1;if(inDegree.get(key) == 0){sources.add(key);System.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is 0, hence it's a source");System.out.println("\t\t\tSources: " + sources);}elseSystem.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is " + inDegree.get(key) + " hence it's not a source");}return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
- We remove the source from the queue and decrement the in-degree of its children by . If a child’s in-degree becomes , we add it to the source queue. We repeat this step until the source queue is empty and all vertices have been visited.
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();// a. Initialize the graph and inDegreeHashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();System.out.println("\tInitializing the graph and inDegree");for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}System.out.println("\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\tinDegree: " + inDegree + "\n");if(graph.size() <= 0){System.out.println("\tThere are no vertices");System.out.println("\t\tReturning the sorted order: " + sortedOrder);return sortedOrder;}System.out.println("\tBuilding the graph and populating inDegree");// b. Build the graphint k = 0;for (int dependency = 0; dependency < dependencies.size(); dependency++){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + k);k += 1;char parent = dependencies.get(dependency).get(1);char child = dependencies.get(dependency).get(0);graph.get(parent).add(child); // put the child into it's parent's listinDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1); // increment child's inDegreeSystem.out.println("\t\t\tDependency pair: " + dependencies.get(dependency) + " ⟶ parent: " + parent + ", child: " + child);System.out.println("\t\t\tAppending the child to the parent's list in the graph:");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\t\tIncrementing indegree of the child ⟶ " + inDegree);}System.out.println();// c. Find all sources i.e., all n with 0 in-degreesSystem.out.println("\n\tFinding all sources");Queue<Character> sources = new LinkedList<>();int l = 0;for(char key : inDegree.keySet()){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + l );l += 1;if(inDegree.get(key) == 0){sources.add(key);System.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is 0, hence it's a source");System.out.println("\t\t\tSources: " + sources);}elseSystem.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is " + inDegree.get(key) + " hence it's not a source");}System.out.println();// d. For each source, add it to the sorted_order and subtract one from all of its children's in-degrees// if a child's in-degree becomes zero, add it to the sources queueSystem.out.println("\n\tRemoving the sources from the graph");int m = 0;while(!sources.isEmpty()){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + m);m += 1;System.out.println("\t\tGetting the source by popping from the queue");System.out.print("\t\t\tSources: " + sources + " ⟶ " );char vertex = sources.poll();System.out.println(sources);System.out.println("\t\t\tVertex: " + vertex);System.out.print("\t\t\tAppending to the sorted order list: " + sortedOrder + " ⟶ ");sortedOrder.add(vertex);System.out.println(sortedOrder);System.out.println("\t\t\tUpdating the in-degrees of the children");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tSource: " + vertex + ", children: " + graph.get(vertex));int n = 0;for(int child = 0; child < graph.get(vertex).size(); child++){System.out.println("\t\t\t\tInner loop index: " + n);n += 1;System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tChild: " + graph.get(vertex).get(child));System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tDecrementing in-degree of " + graph.get(vertex).get(child) + ": " + inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child))+ " ⟶ "+ (inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) - 1));inDegree.put(graph.get(vertex).get(child), inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) -1);if(inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) == 0){System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tSince in-degree of " + graph.get(vertex).get(child) + " = 0, it's now a source.");System.out.print("\t\t\t\t\tAdding it to the sources queue: " + sources + " ⟶ ");sources.add(graph.get(vertex).get(child));System.out.println(sources);}}}return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
Our algorithm is now complete and returns a topological ordering for the classes. However, it throws an error if there’s a cycle in our dependencies. Therefore, we need to add a condition that caters to this case.
If the length of the sorted order list is not equal to the length of the graph, there’s a cycle and we return an empty list.
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();// a. Initialize the graph and inDegreeHashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();System.out.println("\tInitializing the graph and inDegree");for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}System.out.println("\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\tinDegree: " + inDegree + "\n");if(graph.size() <= 0){System.out.println("\tThere are no vertices");System.out.println("\t\tReturning the sorted order: " + sortedOrder);return sortedOrder;}System.out.println("\tBuilding the graph and populating inDegree");// b. Build the graphint k = 0;for (int dependency = 0; dependency < dependencies.size(); dependency++){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + k);k += 1;char parent = dependencies.get(dependency).get(1);char child = dependencies.get(dependency).get(0);graph.get(parent).add(child); // put the child into it's parent's listinDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1); // increment child's inDegreeSystem.out.println("\t\t\tDependency pair: " + dependencies.get(dependency) + " ⟶ parent: " + parent + ", child: " + child);System.out.println("\t\t\tAppending the child to the parent's list in the graph:");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tGraph: " + graph);System.out.println("\t\t\tIncrementing indegree of the child ⟶ " + inDegree);}System.out.println();// c. Find all sources i.e., all n with 0 in-degreesSystem.out.println("\n\tFinding all sources");Queue<Character> sources = new LinkedList<>();int l = 0;for(char key : inDegree.keySet()){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + l );l += 1;if(inDegree.get(key) == 0){sources.add(key);System.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is 0, hence it's a source");System.out.println("\t\t\tSources: " + sources);}elseSystem.out.println("\t\t\tIn-degree of " + key + " is " + inDegree.get(key) + " hence it's not a source");}System.out.println();// d. For each source, add it to the sorted_order and subtract one from all of its children's in-degrees// if a child's in-degree becomes zero, add it to the sources queueSystem.out.println("\n\tRemoving the sources from the graph");int m = 0;while(!sources.isEmpty()){System.out.println("\t\tLoop index: " + m);m += 1;System.out.println("\t\tGetting the source by popping from the queue");System.out.print("\t\t\tSources: " + sources + " ⟶ " );char vertex = sources.poll();System.out.println(sources);System.out.println("\t\t\tVertex: " + vertex);System.out.print("\t\t\tAppending to the sorted order list: " + sortedOrder + " ⟶ ");sortedOrder.add(vertex);System.out.println(sortedOrder);System.out.println("\t\t\tUpdating the in-degrees of the children");System.out.println("\t\t\t\tSource: " + vertex + ", children: " + graph.get(vertex));int n = 0;for(int child = 0; child < graph.get(vertex).size(); child++){System.out.println("\t\t\t\tInner loop index: " + n);n += 1;System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tChild: " + graph.get(vertex).get(child));System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tDecrementing in-degree of " + graph.get(vertex).get(child) + ": " + inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child))+ " ⟶ "+ (inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) - 1));inDegree.put(graph.get(vertex).get(child), inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) -1);if(inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) == 0){System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\tSince in-degree of " + graph.get(vertex).get(child) + " = 0, it's now a source.");System.out.print("\t\t\t\t\tAdding it to the sources queue: " + sources + " ⟶ ");sources.add(graph.get(vertex).get(child));System.out.println(sources);}}}// topological sort is not possible as the graph has a cycleif(sortedOrder.size() != graph.size()){System.out.println("\n\tLength of the sorted order list = " + sortedOrder.size());System.out.println("\tLength of the graph = " + graph.size());System.out.println("\t\tSince the lengths are not equal, there's a cycle in the graph.");return new ArrayList<>();}return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
Just the code
Here’s the complete solution to this problem:
import java.util.*;class CompilationOrder {public static String repeat(String str, int pValue){String out = "";for(int i = 0; i < pValue; i++){out += str;}return out;}public static List<Character> findCompilationOrder(ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>> dependencies){List<Character> sortedOrder = new ArrayList<>();HashMap<Character, List<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>();HashMap<Character, Integer> inDegree = new HashMap<>();for( int x = 0; x < dependencies.size(); x++){char parent = dependencies.get(x).get(0);char child = dependencies.get(x).get(1);graph.put(parent, new ArrayList<>());graph.put(child, new ArrayList<>());inDegree.put(parent, 0);inDegree.put(child, 0);}if(graph.size() <= 0){return sortedOrder;}for (int dependency = 0; dependency < dependencies.size(); dependency++){char parent = dependencies.get(dependency).get(1);char child = dependencies.get(dependency).get(0);graph.get(parent).add(child);inDegree.put(child, inDegree.get(child) + 1);}Queue<Character> sources = new LinkedList<>();for(char key : inDegree.keySet()){if(inDegree.get(key) == 0){sources.add(key);}}while(!sources.isEmpty()){char vertex = sources.poll();sortedOrder.add(vertex);for(int child = 0; child < graph.get(vertex).size(); child++){inDegree.put(graph.get(vertex).get(child), inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) -1);if(inDegree.get(graph.get(vertex).get(child)) == 0){sources.add(graph.get(vertex).get(child));}}}if(sortedOrder.size() != graph.size()){return new ArrayList<>();}return sortedOrder;}public static void main( String args[] ) {ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>> dependencies = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>>() {{add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('D', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('E', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'D')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'E')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('F', 'C')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'B')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'A')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('B', 'C')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'A')));add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('A', 'F')));}});add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Character>>() {{add(new ArrayList<Character>(Arrays.asList('C', 'C')));}});}};for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++){System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tdependencies: " + dependencies.get(i));System.out.println("\tCompilation Order: " + findCompilationOrder(dependencies.get(i)));System.out.println(new String(new char[100]).replace('\0', '-'));}}}
Solution summary
To recap, the solution to this problem can be divided into the following parts:
- Build a graph from the dependencies list and keep track of the in-degrees of vertices in a hash map.
- Populate the sources deque with vertices with in-degrees .
- Add the sources to the sorted list.
- Remove the sources from the graph and update the in-degrees of their children. If the in-degree of a child becomes , it becomes a source in the next iteration.
- Repeat until all vertices are visited.
Time complexity
The time complexity of the above algorithm is , where is the total number of vertices and is the total number of edges in the graph.
Space complexity
The space complexity is because we are creating a deque data structure that will have elements in the worst case. We are also maintaining a hash table with the in-degree of the vertices, which also has a size of . Additionally, the solution creates a graph with edges, where is the total number of dependencies, contributing to the overall space complexity.
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