Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array

Try to solve the Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array problem.


Given an array of strings, nums, where each string represents an integer without leading zeros, and an integer k, your task is to find and return the string representing the kth^{th} largest integer in the array.

Note: Treat duplicate integers as distinct entities. For instance, if nums =[“2”, “3”, “3”]= [\text{\lq\lq2\rq\rq, \lq\lq3\rq\rq, \lq\lq3\rq\rq]}, the first largest integer is “3”\text{\lq\lq3\rq\rq}, the second largest is also “3”\text{\lq\lq3\rq\rq}, and the third largest is “2”\text{\lq\lq2\rq\rq}.


  • 1<=1 <= k <=<= nums.length <=103<= 10^3

  • 1<=1 <= nums[i].length <=100<= 100

  • nums[i] consists of only digits.

  • nums[i] will not have any leading zeros.


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Let’s take a moment to make sure you’ve correctly understood the problem. The quiz below helps you check if you’re solving the correct problem:

Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array


You are given nums = [“4”, “2”, “9”, “3”] and k = 2. What is the output?









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usercode >
public class Solution
public static String kthLargestInteger (String[] nums, int k)
// Replace this placeholder return statement with your code
return "";
Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array

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