Solution: Coin Change


Given an integer total that represents the target amount of money and a list of integers coins that represents different coin denominations, find the minimum number of coins required to make up the total amount. If it’s impossible to achieve the target amount using the given coins, return -1. If the target amount is 0, return 0.

Note: You can assume that we have an infinite number of each kind of coin.


  • 11 \leq coins.length 12\leq 12

  • 11 \leq coins[i] 104\leq 10^4

  • 00 \leq total 900\leq 900


So far, you’ve probably brainstormed some approaches and have an idea of how to solve this problem. Let’s explore some of these approaches and figure out which one to follow based on considerations such as time complexity and any implementation constraints.

Naive approach

The naive approach is to generates all possible combinations of given denominations such that in each combination, the sum of coins is equal to total. From these combinations, choose the one with the minimum number of coins and return the minimum number required. If the sum of any combinations is not equal to total then print -1.

In the worst case, the time complexity increases exponentially with the total amount, which results in an algorithm edging toward O(ntotal)O(n^{total}). The space complexity is O(total)O(total) because the maximum depth of the recursion tree grows up to total. We can't improve the space complexity, but we can definitely improve our time complexity if we use dynamic programming to solve this problem.

Optimized solution using dynamic programming pattern

If we look at the problem, we might immediately think that it could be solved through a greedy approach. However, if we look at it closely, we’ll know that it’s not the correct approach here. Let’s take a look at an example to understand why this problem can’t be solved with a greedy approach.

Let's suppose we have coins = [1, 3, 4, 5] and we want to find the total = 7 and we try to solve the problem with a greedy approach. In a greedy approach, we always start from the very end of a sorted array and traverse backward to find our solution because that allows us to solve the problem without traversing the whole array. However, in this situation, we start off with a 5 and add that to our total. We then check if it’s possible to get a 7 with the help of either 4 or 3, but as expected, that won't be the case, and we would need to add 1 twice to get our required total.

The problem seems to be solved, and we have concluded that we need maximum 3 coins to get to the total of 7. However, if we take a look at our array, that isn’t the case. In fact, we could have reached the total of 7 with just 2 coins: 4 and 3. So, the problem needs to be broken down into subproblems, and an optimal solution can be reached from the optimal solutions of its subproblems.

To split the problem into subproblems, let's assume we know the number of coins required for some total value and the last coin denomination is C. Because of the optimal substructure property, the following equation will be true:

Min(total)=Min(totalC)+1Min(total) = Min(total - C) + 1

But, we don't know what is the value of C yet, so we compute it for each element of the coins array and select the minimum from among them. This creates the following recurrence relation:

Min(total)=minMin(total) = mini=0.....n-1 (Min(totalC(Min(total- Ci) +1)+ \:1), such that

Min(total)=0Min(total) = 0, for total=0total = 0

Min(total)=Min(total) = \:-11, for n=0n = 0

Note: The problem can also be solved with the help of a simple recursive tree without any backtracking, but that would take extra memory and time complexity, as we can see in the illustration below.

Note: In the following section, we will gradually build the solution. Alternatively, you can skip straight to just the code.

Step-by-step solution construction

The idea is to solve the problem using the top-downTopDown technique of dynamic programming. If the required total is less than the number that’s being evaluated, the algorithm doesn’t make any more recursive calls. Moreover, the recursive tree calculates the results of many subproblems multiple times. Therefore, if we store the result of each subproblem in a table, we can drastically improve the algorithm’s efficiency by accessing the required value at a constant time. This massively reduces the number of recursive calls we need to make to reach our results.

We start our solution by creating a helper function that assists us in calculating the number of coins we need. It has three base cases to cover about what to return if the remaining amount is:

  • Less than zero

  • Equal to zero

  • Neither less than zero nor equal to zero

class CoinChange {
public static int calculateMinimumCoins(int [] coins, int remainingAmount, int [] counter)
if(remainingAmount < 0)
return -1;
if(remainingAmount == 0)
return 0;
if(counter[remainingAmount - 1] != -1)
return counter[remainingAmount - 1];
int minimum = -1;
return 0;
public static int coinChange(int [] coins, int total)
if(total < 1)
return 0;
System.out.println("The current total is more than zero, hence we need to call the helper function to calculate the minimum number of coins needed.\n");
System.out.println("We will pass three parameters to our helper function:\n");
System.out.println("The first parameter would be the coins we have which are: " + Arrays.toString(coins));
System.out.println("The second parameter would be the total we have to calculate which is: " + total);
System.out.print("The third parameter is the counter which is initially set to:");
int[] l = new int[total];
Arrays.fill(l, -1);
return calculateMinimumCoins(coins, total, l);
public static void main( String args[] ) {
int [] coins = {1, 3, 4, 5};
int total = 7;
coinChange(coins, total);
Coin Change

In the last case, when the remaining amount is neither of the base cases, we traverse the coins array, and at each element, we recursively call the calculateMinimumCoins() function, passing the updated remaining amount remainingAmount minus the value of the current coin. This step effectively evaluates the number of coins needed for each possible denomination to make up the remaining amount. We store the return value of the base cases for each subproblem in a variable named result. We then add 1 to the result variable indicating that we're using this coin denomination in the process of making up the corresponding total. Now, we assign this value to minimum, which is initially set to infinity at the start of each path.

To avoid recalculating the minimum values for subproblems, we utilize the counter array, which serves as a memoization table. This array stores the minimum number of coins required to make up each specific amount of money up to the given total. At the end of each path traversal, we update the corresponding index of the counter array with the calculated minimum value. Finally, we return the minimum number of coins needed for the given total amount.

Let’s look at the slides below to understand the solution better.

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Let’s implement the algorithm as discussed above:

class CoinChange {
public static int calculateMinimumCoins(int [] coins, int remainingAmount, int [] counter)
int result = 0;
if(remainingAmount < 0)
return -1;
if(remainingAmount == 0)
return 0;
if(counter[remainingAmount - 1] != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return counter[remainingAmount - 1];
int minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
result = calculateMinimumCoins(coins, remainingAmount - coins[j], counter);
if(result >= 0 && result < minimum)
minimum = 1 + result;
if(minimum != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
counter[remainingAmount - 1] = minimum;
counter[remainingAmount - 1] = -1;
return counter[remainingAmount -1];
public static int coinChange(int [] coins, int total) // main function
if(total < 1)
return 0;
int[] l = new int[total];
Arrays.fill(l, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return calculateMinimumCoins(coins, total, l);
public static void main( String args[] ) {
int [][] coins = {{2, 3, 4, 5},
{1, 4, 6, 9},
{6, 7, 8},
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
{14, 15, 18, 20}};
int [] total = {7, 11, 27, 41, 52};
for (int i = 0; i < total.length; i++)
System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tThe minimum number of coins required to find " + total[i] + " from " + Arrays.toString(coins[i]) + " is: "+ coinChange(coins[i], total[i]));
System.out.println(PrintHyphens.repeat("-", 100));
Coin Change

Just the code

Here’s the complete solution to this problem:

class CoinChange {
public static int calculateMinimumCoins(int [] coins, int remainingAmount, int [] counter)
int result = 0;
if(remainingAmount < 0)
return -1;
if(remainingAmount == 0)
return 0;
if(counter[remainingAmount - 1] != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return counter[remainingAmount - 1];
int minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++)
result = calculateMinimumCoins(coins, remainingAmount - coins[j], counter);
if(result >= 0 && result < minimum)
minimum = 1 + result;
if(minimum != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
counter[remainingAmount - 1] = minimum;
counter[remainingAmount - 1] = -1;
return counter[remainingAmount -1];
public static int coinChange(int [] coins, int total)
if(total < 1)
return 0;
int [] l = new int[total];
Arrays.fill(l, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return calculateMinimumCoins(coins, total, l);
// Driver code
public static void main( String args[] ) {
int [][] coins = {{2, 3, 4, 5},
{1, 4, 6, 9},
{6, 7, 8},
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
{14, 15, 18, 20}};
int [] total = {7, 11, 27, 41, 52};
for (int i = 0; i < total.length; i++)
System.out.println(i + 1 + ".\tThe minimum number of coins required to find " + total[i] + " from " + Arrays.toString(coins[i]) + " is: "+ coinChange(coins[i], total[i]));
System.out.println(PrintHyphens.repeat("-", 100));
Coin Change

Solution summary

To recap, the solution to this problem can be divided into the following parts:

  1. We first check the base cases, if total is either 00 or less than 00:

    1. 00 means no new coins need to be added because we have reached a viable solution.

    2. Less than 00 means our path can’t lead to this solution, so we need to backtrack.

  2. After this, we use the top-down approach and traverse the given coin denominations.

  3. At each iteration, we either pick a coin or we don’t.

    1. If we pick a coin, we move on to solve a new subproblem based on the reduced total value.

    2. If we don’t pick a coin, then we look up the answer from the counter array if it is already computed to avoid recalculation.

  4. Finally, we return the minimum number of coins required for the given total.

Time complexity

The time complexity for the above algorithm is O(nm)O(n∗m). Here, nn represents the total and mm represents the number of coins we have. In the worst case, the height of the recursive tree is nn as the subproblems solved by the algorithm will be nn because we're storing precalculated solutions in a table. Each subproblem takes mm iterations, one per coin value. So, the time complexity is O(nm)O(n * m).

Space complexity

The space complexity for this algorithm is O(n)O(n)because we’re using the counter array which is the size of total.

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