404 Page and Wildcard Routes

Learn to handle undefined routes in React by creating a 404 page with wildcard routes.

In web applications, users may encounter missing or 404 pages for various reasons, such as:

  • Typing an incorrect URL.

  • Following a broken or outdated link.

  • Trying to access a resource that no longer exists.

What is a 404 page?

A 404 page provides a user-friendly way to inform visitors that the requested page cannot be found. It often includes helpful navigation options, such as links to the Home page or a search feature, guiding users back to valid content.

Wildcard routes in React Router

React Router allows us to define a wildcard route (path="*") to handle any undefined paths in our application. Wildcard routes are typically used to display 404 pages.

Key points:

  • Wildcard routes should be placed at the bottom of our Routes list since React Router matches routes in order.

  • They act as a fallback for any path that doesn’t match a defined route

Creating a 404 page

A 404 page provides a friendly error message and navigation links. Let’s create a custom 404 page and use a wildcard route to display it for undefined paths.

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