Static navigation using Link and NavLink works well for predefined routes, but many real-world scenarios require dynamically redirecting users based on conditions or events, such as:

  • Redirecting after a successful login or form submission.

  • Guiding users to error pages when invalid actions occur.

  • Navigating dynamically based on conditions, like role-based redirection.

What is programmatic navigation?

Programmatic navigation allows developers to navigate between routes dynamically through JavaScript functions instead of predefined navigation links. This is useful for:

  • Conditional navigation: Redirect users based on their authentication or permissions.

  • User-triggered actions: Navigate when users click a button or submit a form.

  • Dynamic user experience: Redirect users to the right page after completing specific tasks.

The useNavigate hook

React Router offers the useNavigate hook to handle programmatic navigations. The useNavigate hook provides a function that allows us navigate to any route in our application programmatically, without relying on predefined links.

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