Challenge: Simplified E-Commerce Application

Test your ability to implement dynamic routing, nested routes, programmatic navigation, and handle undefined paths using React Router.

Problem statement

You are tasked with creating a simplified e-commerce application with the following features:

  • Home page: Display links to navigate to the "Products" page, "Contact" page, and "Cart" page.

  • Products page: List at least 3 real products, each with a name, description, and price. Each product should have a "View details" link that navigates to the "Product Details" page using dynamic routing. Include a link to navigate back to the "Home" page.

  • Product Details page: Dynamically display the product's name, description, and price. Provide an "Add to Cart" button that adds the product to the "Cart" page. Include a "Back" button to navigate back to the "Products" page.

  • Contact page: Display a simple contact form with the following fields:

    • Name (input field)

    • Email (input field)

    • Message (textarea)

    • Include a "Submit" button that displays a success alert (e.g., "Message sent!") when the form is submitted. Provide a navigation link back to the "Home" page.

  • Login page: Redirect unauthenticated users from a protected route (e.g., Cart) to the "Login" page. Provide a Login button to simulate authentication and navigate to the "Cart" page.

  • Cart page: Dynamically display the list of products added to the cart with their name, description, and price. Show a total price for all items in the cart. Provide a Back button to navigate to the "Products" page.

  • 404 page: A page that displays when a user navigates to an undefined route. Include a link to navigate back to the "Home" page.

Expected output

  • A functional React application with dynamic routing, nested routes, and programmatic navigation.

  • Users should be redirected appropriately for undefined routes and protected routes.

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