Turning Knowledge into Wisdom

Learn how to add a call to action to a graph through a practical example.

Turning knowledge into wisdom enables the audience to make decisions. We do this by adding a call to action to our visualization. The call to action changes the perspective from the past/present (data) to the future.

Typically, we implement the call to action with a question, such as one of the following:

  • What can we do to improve the results?

  • What opportunities do we have?

  • What scenarios can we outline?

Alternatively, search for the topic and propose a possible solution to the questions.

In addition, we may listen to the audience’s proposals and answers to our questions. It’s here where the discussion takes place.

Let’s practice!

Imagine that we work in the tourism department in Portugal. We have extracted the number of tourist arrivals to Portugal from 1994 to 2019, and we have drawn the following visualization:

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