Learn React

Learn React step by step in this beginner-friendly course, mastering components, hooks, and routing to build dynamic and scalable web applications.


48 Lessons

3h 7min

Certificate of Completion

Learn React step by step in this beginner-friendly course, mastering components, hooks, and routing to build dynamic and scalable web applications.





This course includes

184 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

This course includes

184 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes

Course Overview

React is a popular library for building modern web applications, known for its efficiency and simplicity. This course will help you understand React’s core features, like components, hooks, and routing, to create dynamic, scalable, and user-friendly applications. Whether new to React or enhancing your skills, this course offers a structured approach to building React-based projects. After a quick refresher on JavaScript fundamentals, you’ll explore React concepts such as component-based architecture, JSX s...Show More

What You'll Learn

The ability to build dynamic and modular user interfaces using React’s component-based design

Working knowledge of JSX, the powerful JavaScript XML extension, to create declarative and maintainable code

Hands-on experience with hooks like useState and useEffect to handle dynamic data and side effects in functional components

The ability to build seamless single-page applications with dynamic and nested routes using React Router

What You'll Learn

The ability to build dynamic and modular user interfaces using React’s component-based design

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Course Content


Before We Begin

This chapter introduces the course, outlining its goals, structure, and practical tips for success in your React learning journey.

JavaScript for React—A Quick Refresher

Revise JavaScript fundamentals, modern ES6+ features, and DOM essentials to build a strong foundation for React development in this chapter.

Introduction to React

Explore React and its benefits, JSX syntax, virtual DOM, and how to render dynamic elements, laying the groundwork for React development.

React Components

Dive into React components to build dynamic UIs with props, handle events, style components, and create a reusable stateless component.

Hooks: Managing States and Effects in React Components

Explore React Hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, and useMemo to manage state, handle side effects, and optimize performance.

React Router and Navigations

10 Lessons

Understand React Router essentials, including defining routes, dynamic navigation, nested routes, and handling 404 pages to create seamless SPAs.


1 Lesson

Conclude the course by summarizing React concepts, offering practical next steps, and inspiring learners to build dynamic web applications.

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