
Enhance your understanding by getting hands-on practice ​with the exercise provided in this lesson!

We'll cover the following


The program, x86.py, allows you to see how different thread interleavings either cause or avoid race conditions. See the previous lesson for details on how the program works, then press run on the code widget below. You will be able to see a terminal where you can run commands asked in the questions below.

Welcome to this simulator. The idea is to gain familiarity with threads by
seeing how they interleave; the simulator, x86.py, will help you in
gaining this understanding.

The simulator mimicks the execution of short assembly sequences by multiple
threads. Note that the OS code that would run (for example, to perform a
context switch) is *not* shown; thus, all you see is the interleaving of the
user code.

The assembly code that is run is based on x86, but somewhat simplified. 
In this instruction set, there are four general-purpose registers 
(%ax, %bx, %cx, %dx), a program counter (PC), and a small set of instructions
which will be enough for our purposes.

Here is an example code snippet that we will be able to run:

mov 2000, %ax   # get the value at the address
add $1, %ax     # increment it
mov %ax, 2000   # store it back

The code is easy to understand. The first instruction, an x86 "mov", simply
loads a value from the address specified by 2000 into the register %ax.
Addresses, in this subset of x86, can take some of the following forms:

  2000        -> the number (2000) is the address
  (%cx)       -> contents of register (in parentheses) forms the address
  1000(%dx)   -> the number + contents of the register form the address
  10(%ax,%bx) -> the number + reg1 + reg2 forms the address

To store a value, the same "mov" instruction is used, but this time with the
arguments reversed, e.g.:

  mov %ax, 2000

The "add" instruction, from the sequence above, should be clear: it adds an
immediate value (specified by $1) to the register specified in the second
argument (i.e., %ax = %ax + 1).

Thus, we now can understand the code sequence above: it loads the value at
address 2000, adds 1 to it, and then stores the value back into address 2000.

The fake-ish "halt" instruction just stops running this thread.

Let's run the simulator and see how this all works! Assume the above code
sequence is in the file "simple-race.s".

prompt> ./x86.py -p simple-race.s -t 1 

       Thread 0
1000 mov 2000, %ax
1001 add $1, %ax
1002 mov %ax, 2000
1003 halt


The arguments used here specify the program (-p), the number of threads (-t
1), and the interrupt interval, which is how often a scheduler will be woken
and run to switch to a different task. Because there is only one thread in
this example, this interval does not matter.

The output is easy to read: the simulator prints the program counter (here
shown from 1000 to 1003) and the instruction that gets executed. Note that we
assume (unrealistically) that all instructions just take up a single byte in
memory; in x86, instructions are variable-sized and would take up from one to
a small number of bytes. 

We can use more detailed tracing to get a better sense of how machine state
changes during the execution:

prompt> ./x86.py -p simple-race.s -t 1 -M 2000 -R ax,bx

 2000      ax    bx          Thread 0
    ?       ?     ?
    ?       ?     ?   1000 mov 2000, %ax
    ?       ?     ?   1001 add $1, %ax
    ?       ?     ?   1002 mov %ax, 2000
    ?       ?     ?   1003 halt

Oops! Forgot the -c flag (which actually computes the answers for you).

prompt> ./x86.py -p simple-race.s -t 1 -M 2000 -R ax,bx -c

 2000      ax    bx          Thread 0
    0       0     0
    0       0     0   1000 mov 2000, %ax
    0       1     0   1001 add $1, %ax
    1       1     0   1002 mov %ax, 2000
    1       1     0   1003 halt

By using the -M flag, we can trace memory locations (a comma-separated list
lets you trace more than one, e.g., 2000,3000); by using the -R flag we can
track the values inside specific registers.

The values on the left show the memory/register contents AFTER the instruction
on the right has executed. For example, after the "add" instruction, you can
see that %ax has been incremented to the value 1; after the second "mov"
instruction (at PC=1002), you can see that the memory contents at 2000 are
now also incremented.

There are a few more instructions you'll need to know, so let's get to them
now. Here is a code snippet of a loop:

sub  $1,%dx
test $0,%dx     
jgte .top         

A few things have been introduced here. First is the "test" instruction.
This instruction takes two arguments and compares them; it then sets implicit
"condition codes" (kind of like 1-bit registers) which subsequent instructions
can act upon.

In this case, the other new instruction is the "jump" instruction (in this
case, "jgte" which stands for "jump if greater than or equal to"). This
instruction jumps if the second value is greater than or equal to the first
in the test.

One last point: to really make this code work, dx must be initialized to 1 or

Thus, we run the program like this:

prompt> ./x86.py -p loop.s -t 1 -a dx=3 -R dx -C -c

   dx   >= >  <= <  != ==        Thread 0
    3   0  0  0  0  0  0
    2   0  0  0  0  0  0  1000 sub  $1,%dx
    2   1  1  0  0  1  0  1001 test $0,%dx
    2   1  1  0  0  1  0  1002 jgte .top
    1   1  1  0  0  1  0  1000 sub  $1,%dx
    1   1  1  0  0  1  0  1001 test $0,%dx
    1   1  1  0  0  1  0  1002 jgte .top
    0   1  1  0  0  1  0  1000 sub  $1,%dx
    0   1  0  1  0  0  1  1001 test $0,%dx
    0   1  0  1  0  0  1  1002 jgte .top
   -1   1  0  1  0  0  1  1000 sub  $1,%dx
   -1   0  0  1  1  1  0  1001 test $0,%dx
   -1   0  0  1  1  1  0  1002 jgte .top
   -1   0  0  1  1  1  0  1003 halt

The "-R dx" flag traces the value of %dx; the "-C" flag traces the values of
the condition codes that get set by a test instruction. Finally, the "-a dx=3"
flag sets the %dx register to the value 3 to start with. 

As you can see from the trace, the "sub" instruction slowly lowers the value
of %dx. The first few times "test" is called, only the ">=", ">", and "!="
conditions get set. However, the last "test" in the trace finds %dx and 0 to
be equal, and thus the subsequent jump does NOT take place, and the program
finally halts.

Now, finally, we get to a more interesting case, i.e., a race condition with
multiple threads. Let's look at the code first:

# critical section
mov 2000, %ax       # get the value at the address
add $1, %ax         # increment it
mov %ax, 2000       # store it back

# see if we're still looping
sub  $1, %bx
test $0, %bx
jgt .top


The code has a critical section which loads the value of a variable 
(at address 2000), then adds 1 to the value, then stores it back. 

The code after just decrements a loop counter (in %bx), tests if it
is greater than or equal to zero, and if so, jumps back to the top
to the critical section again.

prompt> ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -a bx=1 -M 2000 -c

 2000      bx          Thread 0                Thread 1
    0       1
    0       1   1000 mov 2000, %ax
    0       1   1001 add $1, %ax
    1       1   1002 mov %ax, 2000
    1       0   1003 sub  $1, %bx
    1       0   1004 test $0, %bx
    1       0   1005 jgt .top
    1       0   1006 halt
    1       1   ----- Halt;Switch -----  ----- Halt;Switch -----
    1       1                            1000 mov 2000, %ax
    1       1                            1001 add $1, %ax
    2       1                            1002 mov %ax, 2000
    2       0                            1003 sub  $1, %bx
    2       0                            1004 test $0, %bx
    2       0                            1005 jgt .top
    2       0                            1006 halt

Here you can see each thread ran once, and each updated the shared
variable at address 2000 once, thus resulting in a count of two there.

The "Halt;Switch" line is inserted whenever a thread halts and another
thread must be run.

One last example: run the same thing above, but with a smaller interrupt
frequency. Here is what that will look like:

[mac Race-Analyze] ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -a bx=1 -M 2000 -i 2

 2000          Thread 0                Thread 1
    ?   1000 mov 2000, %ax
    ?   1001 add $1, %ax
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?                            1000 mov 2000, %ax
    ?                            1001 add $1, %ax
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?   1002 mov %ax, 2000
    ?   1003 sub  $1, %bx
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?                            1002 mov %ax, 2000
    ?                            1003 sub  $1, %bx
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?   1004 test $0, %bx
    ?   1005 jgt .top
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?                            1004 test $0, %bx
    ?                            1005 jgt .top
    ?   ------ Interrupt ------  ------ Interrupt ------
    ?   1006 halt
    ?   ----- Halt;Switch -----  ----- Halt;Switch -----
    ?                            1006 halt

As you can see, each thread is interrupt every 2 instructions, as we specify
via the "-i 2" flag. What is the value of memory[2000] throughout this run?
What should it have been?

Now let's give a little more information on what can be simulated
with this program. The full set of registers: %ax, %bx, %cx, %dx, and the PC. 
In this version, there is no support for a "stack", nor are there call
and return instructions.

The full set of instructions simulated are:

mov immediate, register     # moves immediate value to register
mov memory, register        # loads from memory into register
mov register, register      # moves value from one register to other
mov register, memory        # stores register contents in memory
mov immediate, memory       # stores immediate value in memory

add immediate, register     # register  = register  + immediate
add register1, register2    # register2 = register2 + register1
sub immediate, register     # register  = register  - immediate
sub register1, register2    # register2 = register2 - register1

test immediate, register    # compare immediate and register (set condition codes)
test register, immediate    # same but register and immediate
test register, register     # same but register and register

jne                         # jump if test'd values are not equal
je                          #                       ... equal
jlt                         #     ... second is less than first
jlte                        #               ... less than or equal
jgt                         #            ... is greater than
jgte                        #               ... greater than or equal

xchg register, memory       # atomic exchange: 
                            #   put value of register into memory
                            #   return old contents of memory into reg
                            # do both things atomically

nop                         # no op

- 'immediate' is something of the form $number
- 'memory' is of the form 'number' or '(reg)' or 'number(reg)' or 
   'number(reg,reg)' (as described above)
- 'register' is one of %ax, %bx, %cx, %dx

Finally, here are the full set of options to the simulator are available with
the -h flag: 

Usage: x86.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEED, --seed=SEED  the random seed
                        number of threads
  -p PROGFILE, --program=PROGFILE
                        source program (in .s)
  -i INTFREQ, --interrupt=INTFREQ
                        interrupt frequency
  -r, --randints        if interrupts are random
  -a ARGV, --argv=ARGV  comma-separated per-thread args (e.g., ax=1,ax=2 sets
                        thread 0 ax reg to 1 and thread 1 ax reg to 2);
                        specify multiple regs per thread via colon-separated
                        list (e.g., ax=1:bx=2,cx=3 sets thread 0 ax and bx and
                        just cx for thread 1)
  -L LOADADDR, --loadaddr=LOADADDR
                        address where to load code
  -m MEMSIZE, --memsize=MEMSIZE
                        size of address space (KB)
  -M MEMTRACE, --memtrace=MEMTRACE
                        comma-separated list of addrs to trace (e.g.,
  -R REGTRACE, --regtrace=REGTRACE
                        comma-separated list of regs to trace (e.g.,
  -C, --cctrace         should we trace condition codes
  -S, --printstats      print some extra stats
  -c, --compute         compute answers for me

Most are obvious. Usage of -r turns on a random interrupter (from 1 to intfreq
as specified by -i), which can make for more fun during homework problems.

-L specifies where in the address space to load the code.

-m specified the size of the address space (in KB).

-S prints some extra stats

-c is not really used (unlike most simulators in the book); use the tracing

or condition codes.

Now you have the basics in place; read the questions at the end of the chapter
to study this race condition and related issues in more depth.


  1. Let’s examine a simple program, “loop.s”. First, just read and understand it. Then, run it with these arguments (./x86.py -p loop.s -t 1 -i 100 -R dx) This specifies a single thread, an interrupt every 100 instructions and tracing of register %dx. What will %dx be during the run? Use the -c flag to check your answers; the answers, on the left, show the value of the register (or memory value) after the instruction on the right has run.

  2. Same code, different flags: (./x86.py -p loop.s -t 2 -i 100 -a dx=3,dx=3 -R dx) This specifies two threads, and initializes each %dx to 3. What values will %dx see? Run with -c to check. Does the presence of multiple threads affect your calculations? Is there a race in this code?

  3. Run this: ./x86.py -p loop.s -t 2 -i 3 -r -a dx=3,dx=3 -R dx This makes the interrupt interval small/random; use different seeds (-s) to see different interleavings. Does the interrupt frequency change anything?

  4. Now, a different program, looping-race-nolock.s, which accesses a shared variable located at address 2000; we’ll call this variable value. Run it with a single thread to confirm your understanding: ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 1 -M 2000 What is value (i.e., at memory address 2000) throughout the run? Use -c to check.

  5. Run with multiple iterations/threads: ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -a bx=3 -M 2000 Why does each thread loop three times? What is the final value of value?

  6. Run with random interrupt intervals: ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -M 2000 -i 4 -r -s 0 with different seeds (-s 1, -s 2, etc.) Can you tell by looking at the thread interleaving what the final value of value will be? Does the timing of the interrupt matter? Where can it safely occur? Where not? In other words, where is the critical section exactly?

  7. Now examine fixed interrupt intervals: ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -a bx=1 -t 2 -M 2000 -i 1 What will the final value of the shared variable value be? What about when you change -i 2, -i 3, etc.? For which interrupt intervals does the program give the “correct” answer?

  8. Run the same for more loops (e.g., set -a bx=100). What interrupt intervals (-i) lead to a correct outcome? Which intervals are surprising?

  9. One last program: wait-for-me.s. Run: ./x86.py -p wait-for-me.s -a ax=1,ax=0 -R ax -M 2000 This sets the %ax register to 1 for thread 0, and 0 for thread 1, and watches %ax and memory location 2000. How should the code behave? How is the value at location 2000 being used by the threads? What will its final value be?

  10. Now switch the inputs: ./x86.py -p wait-for-me.s -a ax=0,ax=1 -R ax -M 2000 How do the threads behave? What is thread 0 doing? How would changing the interrupt interval (e.g., -i 1000, or perhaps to use random intervals) change the trace outcome? Is the program efficiently using the CPU?

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