
Enhance your understanding by getting hands-on practice ​by attempting these questions about FFS.

We'll cover the following


This section introduces ffs.py, a simple FFS simulator you can use to understand better how FFS-based file and directory allocation work. See the previous lesson for details on how to run the simulator.

#! /usr/bin/env python

import math
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import random

class file_system:
    def __init__(self, num_groups, blocks_per_group, inodes_per_group,
                 large_file_exception, spread_inodes,
                 contig_allocation_policy, spread_data_blocks, allocate_faraway,
                 show_block_addresses, do_per_file_stats, show_file_ops,
                 show_symbol_map, compute):
        self.num_groups = num_groups
        self.blocks_per_group = blocks_per_group
        self.inodes_per_group = inodes_per_group
        self.large_file_exception = large_file_exception
        self.spread_inodes = spread_inodes
        self.contig_allocation_policy = contig_allocation_policy
        self.spread_data_blocks = spread_data_blocks
        self.allocate_faraway = allocate_faraway
        self.show_block_addresses = show_block_addresses
        self.do_per_file_stats = do_per_file_stats
        self.show_file_ops = show_file_ops
        self.show_symbol_map = show_symbol_map
        self.compute = compute

        self.group_size = self.inodes_per_group + self.blocks_per_group

        self.BITMAP_FREE = '__FREE__'

        self.data_bitmap = []
        self.inode_bitmap = []
        for i in range(self.num_groups):
            for j in range(self.blocks_per_group):
            for j in range(self.inodes_per_group):


        self.total_data_free   = blocks_per_group * num_groups
        self.total_inodes_free = inodes_per_group * num_groups

        # make root directory
        self.inode_bitmap[0][0] = 0
        self.data_bitmap[0][0] = 0 # use one data block for ALL DIRS
        self.allocate_symbol(0, '/')

        self.total_data_free -= 1
        self.total_inodes_free -= 1

        # data for each directory, indexed by inode number
        self.dir_data = {}
        self.dir_data[0] = [('.', 0), ('..', 0)]

        # inode data: for each inode, type info
        self.inode_type = {}
        self.inode_type[0] = 'directory'

        # and which blocks comprise the file
        self.inode_blocks = {}
        self.inode_blocks[0] = [0]

        # map names to inode numbers
        self.name_to_inode_map = {}
        self.name_to_inode_map['/'] = 0

    def vprint(self, msg):
        if self.show_file_ops:
            print msg,

    def get_parent(self, path):
        index_of_last_slash = path.rfind('/')
        if index_of_last_slash == 0:
            return '/', path[index_of_last_slash+1:len(path)]
        return path[0:index_of_last_slash], path[index_of_last_slash+1:len(path)]

    def name_to_inode(self, path):
        if path not in self.name_to_inode_map:
            return -1
            return self.name_to_inode_map[path]

    def set_name_to_inode(self, path, inode_num):
        if path in self.name_to_inode_map:
            print 'abort: path already in mapping (internal error)'
        self.name_to_inode_map[path] = inode_num

    def get_free_count(self, group, bitmap):
        cnt = 0
        for b in bitmap:
            if b == self.BITMAP_FREE:
                cnt += 1
        return cnt

    def get_free_inode_count(self, group):
        return self.get_free_count(group, self.inode_bitmap[group])

    def get_free_data_count(self, group):
        return self.get_free_count(group, self.data_bitmap[group])

    def find_most_free_inodes(self, starting_point):
        free_inodes_max = 0
        target_group = -1
        for g in range(starting_point, self.num_groups):
            free_inodes_in_group = self.get_free_inode_count(g)
            if free_inodes_in_group > free_inodes_max:
                free_inodes_max = free_inodes_in_group
                target_group = g
        for g in range(0, starting_point):
            free_inodes_in_group = self.get_free_inode_count(g)
            if free_inodes_in_group > free_inodes_max:
                free_inodes_max = free_inodes_in_group
                target_group = g
        return target_group

    def find_free_inodes_in_range(self, group, how_many):
        sum_free = 0
        for g in range(group, group + how_many):
            g_curr = g % self.num_groups
            free_inodes_in_group = self.get_free_inode_count(g_curr)
            sum_free += free_inodes_in_group
        return sum_free

    def find_most_free_inodes_multiple(self, starting_point, how_many):
        free_inodes_max = 0
        target_group = -1
        for g in range(starting_point, self.num_groups, how_many):
            sum_free = self.find_free_inodes_in_range(g, how_many)
            if sum_free > free_inodes_max:
                free_inodes_max = sum_free
                target_group = g
        for g in range(0, starting_point, how_many):
            sum_free = self.find_free_inodes_in_range(g, how_many)
            if sum_free > free_inodes_max:
                free_inodes_max = sum_free
                target_group = g
        assert(target_group != -1)
        return target_group

    def find_free_inodes_near(self, target_group):
        grower = (target_group + 1) % self.num_groups
        shrinker = (target_group - 1) % self.num_groups
        for i in range(self.num_groups - 1):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                current_group = grower
                grower = (grower + 1) % self.num_groups
                current_group = shrinker
                shrinker = (shrinker - 1) % self.num_groups
            if self.get_free_inode_count(current_group) > 0:
                return current_group
        return 1

    def pick_group(self, parent, filename, type):
        if type == 'regular' and self.spread_inodes == False: 
            # FFS policy: pick based on parent
            parent_inode_number = self.name_to_inode(parent)
            target_group = parent_inode_number / self.inodes_per_group
            # ensure group has free inode... (and free data blocks?)
            num_free_inodes = self.get_free_inode_count(target_group)
            if num_free_inodes == 0:
                target_group = self.find_free_inodes_near(target_group)
            return target_group
        elif type == 'directory' or self.spread_inodes == True: 
            # find group with most free inodes
            return self.find_most_free_inodes_multiple(0, self.allocate_faraway)
            print 'abort: bad file type [%s] (internal error)' % type
        return 0

    def range_free(self, group, index, needed, chunks_free):
        if needed < chunks_free:
            chunks_free = needed

        # make list of blocks to check for freedom
        index_begin = index
        index_end = index + chunks_free - 1
        if index_end >= self.blocks_per_group:
            return False

        for i in range(index_begin, index_end+1):
            if self.data_bitmap[group][i] != self.BITMAP_FREE:
                return False
        return True
        if self.data_bitmap[group][index] == self.BITMAP_FREE:
            return True
        return False
    # group is just the group where the inode is
    # size is how many are needed total
    def allocate_blocks(self, target_group, size, inode_number):
        assert(size <= self.total_data_free)
        allocated = []
        index = 0
        allocated_in_group = 0
        current_group = target_group
        chunks_free = self.contig_allocation_policy
        while True:
            if self.range_free(current_group, index, size-len(allocated), chunks_free):
                # print '  local alloc', current_group, index
                assert(self.data_bitmap[current_group][index] == self.BITMAP_FREE)
                self.data_bitmap[current_group][index] = inode_number
                allocated_in_group += 1
                allocated.append((current_group, index))
            index += 1

            if len(allocated) == size:
                # print 'done', allocated

            # this moves allocation interest to next group when needed
            # i.e., when you've searched this entire group or
            #       when you've exhausted the large file exception
            if index == self.blocks_per_group or \
               (self.large_file_exception > 0 and \
                allocated_in_group == self.large_file_exception):
                allocated_in_group = 0
                index = 0
                current_group = (current_group + 1) % self.num_groups
                if current_group == target_group:
                    chunks_free = 1
        return allocated

    def find_free_inode(self, group):
        inode_number = -1
        for i in range(self.inodes_per_group):
            if self.inode_bitmap[group][i] == self.BITMAP_FREE:
                inode_number = i
        # don't think this can ever happen but ...
        if inode_number == -1:
            self.vprint('[cannot find free inode]')
            return -1
        return inode_number

    def find_min_data_usage(self):
        min_group = -1
        min_usage = 0
        for g in range(self.num_groups):
            data_free = self.get_free_data_count(g)
            if data_free > min_usage:
                min_usage = data_free
                min_group = g
        return min_group

    def mark_inode_used(self, group, inode_index):
        self.inode_bitmap[group][inode_index] = inode_index + \
                                                (group * self.inodes_per_group)

    def do_delete(self, path):
        parent, filename = self.get_parent(path)

        # now, find the file in parent directory
        parent_inode_number = self.name_to_inode(parent)
        if parent_inode_number == -1:
            self.vprint('[cannot find parent inode %s]' % parent)
            return -1

        del_index = -1
        for i in range(len(self.dir_data[parent_inode_number])):
            name, inode_number = self.dir_data[parent_inode_number][i]
            if name == filename:
                del_index = i

        if del_index == -1:
            self.vprint('[cannot find %s in dir %s]' % (filename, parent))
            return -1

        if self.inode_type[inode_number] == 'directory':
            self.vprint('[cannot delete directories]')
            return -1

        self.dir_data[parent_inode_number].remove((name, inode_number))

        for b in self.inode_blocks[inode_number]:
            data_group = b / self.num_groups
            data_index = b % self.num_groups
            self.data_bitmap[data_group][data_index] = self.BITMAP_FREE

        inode_group = inode_number / self.num_groups
        inode_index = inode_number % self.num_groups
        self.inode_bitmap[inode_group][inode_index] = self.BITMAP_FREE

        del self.name_to_inode_map[path] 

        self.total_inodes_free += 1
        self.total_data_free += len(self.inode_blocks[inode_number])

        self.inode_type[inode_number] = ''
        self.inode_blocks[inode_number] = []
        return 0

    def do_create(self, path, size, type):
        parent, filename = self.get_parent(path)

        # do global checks here
        if self.total_inodes_free == 0:
            self.vprint('[out of inodes]')
            return -1
        if self.total_data_free < size:
            self.vprint('[out of disk space]')
            return -1
        # check if foo already exists
        parent_inode_number = self.name_to_inode(parent)
        if parent_inode_number == -1:
            self.vprint('[failed to find parent %s]' % parent)
            return -1
        for (name, __inode_number) in self.dir_data[parent_inode_number]:
            if name == filename:
                self.vprint('[file %s already exists in dir %s]' % (filename, parent))
                return -1

        # allocate new inode: which group?
        group = self.pick_group(parent, filename, type)

        # pick inode now: it is guaranteed here that group will have a free inode
        # thanks to pick_group()...
        inode_index = self.find_free_inode(group)

        # calc global inode number 
        inode_number = inode_index + (group * self.inodes_per_group)

        # file allocation policy: could fail
        # allocated = self.allocate_blocks(group, size, inode_number)
        if self.spread_data_blocks:
            dest_block_group = self.find_min_data_usage()
            print 'target alloc', dest_block_group
            allocated = self.allocate_blocks(dest_block_group, size, inode_number)
            allocated = self.allocate_blocks(group, size, inode_number)
        if len(allocated) == 0:
            # allocation failed: no room in file system
            return -1

        # now do all the allocation work: won't fail from here on down
        self.mark_inode_used(group, inode_index)
        self.dir_data[parent_inode_number].append((filename, inode_number))

        # now, allocate some data blocks
        self.inode_type[inode_number] = type
        self.inode_blocks[inode_number] = []

        for (selected_group, index) in allocated:
            global_block_number = index + (selected_group * self.blocks_per_group)
            # print 'global allocated', global_block_number

        # record name to inode number mapping for future lookups
        self.set_name_to_inode(path, inode_number)
        self.allocate_symbol(inode_number, filename)

        # have to fill in contents of empty directory
        if type == 'directory':
            self.dir_data[inode_number] = [('.', 0), ('..', 0)]

        # global accounting
        self.total_inodes_free -= 1
        self.total_data_free -= size
        return 0

    def init_symbols(self):
        self.symbol_map = {}
        self.used_symbols = []
        self.available_symbols = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','!','@','#','%','^','&','*','(',')','[',']','{','}','/','.','<','>','|']

    def allocate_symbol(self, inode_number, suggested_name):
        if suggested_name not in self.used_symbols \
               and suggested_name in self.available_symbols:
            choice = suggested_name
            assert(len(self.available_symbols) > 0)
            choice = self.available_symbols[0]
        # print 'sym', suggested_name, '->', choice
        self.symbol_map[inode_number] = choice

    def free_symbol(self, inode_number):
        symbol = self.symbol_map[inode_number]
        del self.symbol_map[inode_number]

    def get_symbol(self, inode_number):
        return self.symbol_map[inode_number]

    def print_success_or_fail(self, rc):
        if self.show_file_ops:
            if rc == 0:
                print 'success'
                print 'failed'

    def do_verify(self):
        data_used = 0
        inodes_used = 0
        for g in range(self.num_groups):
            for i in range(self.blocks_per_group):
                if self.data_bitmap[g][i] != self.BITMAP_FREE:
                    data_used += 1
            for i in range(self.inodes_per_group):
                if self.inode_bitmap[g][i] != self.BITMAP_FREE:
                    inodes_used += 1
        assert(data_used + self.total_data_free == (self.num_groups * self.blocks_per_group))
        assert(inodes_used + self.total_inodes_free == (self.num_groups * self.inodes_per_group))

        for f in self.name_to_inode_map:
            inode_number = self.name_to_inode_map[f]
            blocks = self.inode_blocks[inode_number]
            for b in blocks:
                data_group = b / self.blocks_per_group
                data_index = b % self.blocks_per_group
                assert(self.data_bitmap[data_group][data_index] == inode_number)

    def create(self, path, size):
        self.vprint('op create %s [size:%d] ->' % (path, size))
        rc = self.do_create(path, size, 'regular')
        return rc

    def mkdir(self, path):
        self.vprint('op mkdir %s ->' % path)
        rc = self.do_create(path, 1, 'directory')
        return rc

    def delete(self, path):
        self.vprint('op delete %s ->' % path)
        rc = self.do_delete(path)

    def read_input(self, filename):
        fd = open(filename)
        for line in fd:
            in_line = line.strip('\n')
            line_len = len(in_line)
            if line_len == 0:
            tmp = in_line.split()
            if len(tmp) == 0:
            if tmp[0] == 'file':
                assert(len(tmp) == 3)
                name, size = tmp[1], int(tmp[2])
                self.create(name, size)
            elif tmp[0] == 'dir':
                assert(len(tmp) == 2)
                name = tmp[1]
            elif tmp[0] == 'delete':
                assert(len(tmp) == 2)
                name = tmp[1]
            elif tmp[0] == 'dump':
                assert(len(tmp) == 1)
                print 'command not recognized', tmp[0]

    def list_to_string(self, bitmap):
        out_str = ''
        for i in range(len(bitmap)):
            if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0:
                out_str += ' '
            if bitmap[i] == self.BITMAP_FREE:
                out_str += '-'
                out_str += '%s' % self.get_symbol(bitmap[i])
        return out_str

    def do_numeric_header(self, power_level, how_many):
        power = int(math.pow(10, power_level))
        counter = 0
        value = 0
        out_str = ''
        for i in range(how_many):
            if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0:
                out_str += ' '
            out_str += '%d' % (value % 10)
            counter += 1
            if counter == power:
                value += 1
                counter = 0
        print out_str,

    def dump(self):
        print ''
        print 'num_groups:      ', self.num_groups
        print 'inodes_per_group:', self.inodes_per_group
        print 'blocks_per_group:', self.blocks_per_group
        print ''
        print 'free data blocks: %d (of %d)' % (self.total_data_free, 
                                                (self.num_groups * self.blocks_per_group))
        print 'free inodes:      %d (of %d)' % (self.total_inodes_free,
                                                (self.num_groups * self.inodes_per_group))
        print ''
        print 'spread inodes?   ', self.spread_inodes
        print 'spread data?     ', self.spread_data_blocks
        print 'contig alloc:    ', self.contig_allocation_policy
        print ''

        inode_power = len('%s' % self.inodes_per_group) - 1
        data_power = len('%s' % self.blocks_per_group) - 1

        if inode_power > data_power:
            max_power = inode_power
            max_power = data_power
        while max_power >= 0:
            print '     ',  # spacing before inode print out
            if inode_power >= max_power:
                self.do_numeric_header(max_power, self.inodes_per_group)
                out_str = ' ' * self.inodes_per_group
                print out_str,

            if data_power >= max_power:
                self.do_numeric_header(max_power, self.blocks_per_group)
                out_str = ' ' * self.inodes_per_group
                print out_str,

            print ''
            max_power -= 1

        print '\ngroup %s' % ('inodes'[0:self.inodes_per_group]),
        out_str = ''
        for i in range(self.inodes_per_group - len('inodes')):
            out_str += ' '
        print '%sdata' % out_str

        count = 0

        for i in range(self.num_groups):
            # print '  %3d inodes %s' % (i, self.list_to_string(self.inode_bitmap[i]))
            # print '        data %s' % (self.list_to_string(self.data_bitmap[i]))
            if self.compute:
                print '  %3d %s %s' % (i,
                if self.show_block_addresses:
                    print '  [%4d-%4d]' % (count, count + self.group_size - 1)
                    print ''
                print '  %3d %s %s' % (i,
                                       '?' * self.inodes_per_group,
                                       '?' * self.blocks_per_group)
            count += self.group_size

        if self.show_symbol_map == False:
            print ''
        print '\nsymbol  inode#  filename     filetype ',
        if self.do_per_file_stats:
            print 'block_addresses'
            print ''
        # sorted(student_tuples, key=lambda student: student[2])
        for name in sorted(self.name_to_inode_map):
            inode_number = self.name_to_inode_map[name]
            file_type = self.inode_type[inode_number]
            print '%-6s  %6d  %-11s  %9s' % \
                  (self.get_symbol(inode_number), inode_number, name, file_type),
            if self.do_per_file_stats:
                for i in self.inode_blocks[inode_number]:
                    print i,
                print ''
                print ''
        print ''

    def get_dist(self, a, b):
        if a > b:
            return a - b
            return b - a

    def get_spans(self, path):
        inode_number = self.name_to_inode(path)

        inode_group = inode_number / self.inodes_per_group
        inode_index = inode_number % self.inodes_per_group
        inode_address = inode_index + inode_group * self.group_size

        # now find all data blocks
        min_address = 1 + (self.num_groups * self.group_size)
        max_address = -1

        data_blocks = self.inode_blocks[inode_number]

        for d in data_blocks:
            data_group = d / self.blocks_per_group
            data_index = d % self.blocks_per_group
            data_address = data_index + (data_group * self.group_size) + self.inodes_per_group

            if data_address > max_address: max_address = data_address
            if data_address < min_address: min_address = data_address

        return inode_number, inode_address, min_address, max_address

    def do_all_spans(self):
        current = 0
        total_dist = 0
        min_group = 1e6
        max_group = -1
        print 'span: files'
        span_results = {}
        filespan_sum = 0
        filespan_cnt = 0
        for f in self.name_to_inode_map:
            inode_number, inode_address, min_address, max_address = self.get_spans(f)
            if self.inode_type[inode_number] == 'directory':
            data_span = max_address - min_address
            abs_min, abs_max = min_address, max_address
            if inode_address < abs_min:
                abs_min = inode_address
            if inode_address > abs_max:
                abs_max = inode_address
            file_span = abs_max - abs_min
            assert(inode_number not in span_results)
            span_results[inode_number] = (inode_address, min_address, max_address)

            if options.solve:
                print '  file: %10s  filespan: %3d' % (f, file_span)
                print '  file: %10s  filespan: %s' % (f, '?')

            filespan_sum += file_span
            filespan_cnt += 1

        if filespan_cnt > 0:
            filespan_avg = '%3.2f' % (float(filespan_sum)/float(filespan_cnt))
            if options.solve:
                print '               avg  filespan: %6s' % (filespan_avg)
                print '               avg  filespan: ?'

        print '\nspan: directories'
        dirspan_sum = 0
        dirspan_cnt = 0
        for f in self.name_to_inode_map:
            all_addresses = []
            inode_number, inode_address, min_address, max_address = self.get_spans(f)
            if self.inode_type[inode_number] != 'directory':
            for address in [inode_address, min_address, max_address]:

            for entry_name, entry_inode_number in self.dir_data[inode_number]:
                if entry_name == '.' or entry_name == '..':
                if self.inode_type[entry_inode_number] == 'directory':
                for i in range(3):
            all_sorted = sorted(all_addresses)
            # print 'dirspan', f, all_sorted[len(all_sorted)-1], all_sorted[0]
            dirspan = all_sorted[len(all_sorted)-1] - all_sorted[0]
            dirspan_sum += dirspan
            dirspan_cnt += 1
            if options.solve:
                print '  dir:  %10s  dirspan: %3d' % (f, dirspan)
                print '  dir:  %10s  dirspan: ?' % (f)

        dirspan_avg = '%3.2f' % (float(dirspan_sum)/float(dirspan_cnt))
        if options.solve:
            print '               avg  dirspan: %6s' % (dirspan_avg)
            print '               avg  dirspan: ?'

        print ''


# main program
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', 
                  action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
parser.add_option('-n', '--num_groups', default=10, help='number of block groups',
                  action='store', type='int', dest='num_groups')
parser.add_option('-d', '--datablocks_per_groups', default=30,
                  help='data blocks per group', action='store',
                  type='int', dest='blocks_per_group')
parser.add_option('-i', '--inodes_per_group', default=10, help='inodes per group',
                  action='store', type='int', dest='inodes_per_group')
parser.add_option('-L', '--large_file_exception', default=30,
                  help='0:off, N>0:blocks in group before spreading file to next group',
                  action='store', type='int', dest='large_file_exception')
parser.add_option('-f', '--input_file', default='/no/such/file', help='command file',
                  action='store', type='string', dest='input_file')
parser.add_option('-I', '--spread_inodes', default=False,
                  help='Instead of putting file inodes in parent dir group, \
                  spread them evenly around all groups',
                  action='store_true', dest='spread_inodes')
parser.add_option('-D', '--spread_data', default=False,
                  help='Instead of putting data near inode, \
                  spread them evenly around all groups',
                  action='store_true', dest='spread_data_blocks')
parser.add_option('-A', '--allocate_faraway', default=1,
                  help='When picking a group, examine this many groups at a time',
                  action='store', dest='allocate_faraway', type='int')
parser.add_option('-C', '--contig_allocation_policy', default=1,
                  help='number of contig free blocks needed to alloc',
                  action='store', type='int', dest='contig_allocation_policy')
parser.add_option('-T', '--show_spans', help='show file and directory spans',
                  default=False, action='store_true', dest='show_spans')
parser.add_option('-M', '--show_symbol_map', help='show symbol map',
                  default=False, action='store_true', dest='show_symbol_map')
parser.add_option('-B', '--show_block_addresses',
                  help='show block addresses alongside groups',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_block_addresses')
parser.add_option('-S', '--do_per_file_stats',
                  help='print out detailed inode stats',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='do_per_file_stats')
parser.add_option('-v', '--show_file_ops',
                  help='print out detailed per-op success/failure',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_file_ops')
parser.add_option('-c', '--compute', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true',
                  default=False, dest='solve')

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()


fs = file_system(num_groups=options.num_groups,



if options.show_spans:


  1. Examine the file in.largefile, and then run the simulator with flag -f in.largefile and -L 4. The latter sets the large-file exception to 4 blocks. What will the resulting allocation look like? Run with -c to check.

  2. Now run with -L 30. What do you expect to see? Once again, turn on -c to see if you were right. You can also use -S to see exactly which blocks were allocated to the file /a.

  3. Now we will compute some statistics about the file. The first is something we call filespan, which is the max distance between any two data blocks of the file or between the inode and any data block. Calculate the filespan of /a. Run ffs.py -f in.largefile -L 4 -T -c to see what it is. Do the same with -L 100. What difference do you expect in filespan as the large-file exception parameter changes from low values to high values?

  4. Now let’s look at a new input file, in.manyfiles. How do you think the FFS policy will lay these files out across groups? (you can run with -v to see what files and directories are created, or just cat in.manyfiles). Run the simulator with -c to see if you were right.

  5. A metric to evaluate FFS is called dirspan. This metric calculates the spread of files within a particular directory, specifically the max distance between the inodes and data blocks of all files in the directory and the inode and data block of the directory itself. Run with in.manyfiles and the -T flag, and calculate the dirspan of the three directories. Run with -c to check. How good of a job does FFS do in minimizing dirspan?

  6. Now change the size of the inode table per group to 5 (-I 5). How do you think this will change the layout of the files? Run with -c to see if you were right. How does it affect the dirspan?

  7. Which group should FFS place inode of a new directory in? The default (simulator) policy looks for the group with the most free inodes. A different policy looks for a set of groups with the most free inodes. For example, if you run with -A 2, when allocating a new directory, the simulator will look at groups in pairs and pick the best pair for the allocation. Run ./ffs.py -f in.manyfiles -I 5 -A 2 -c to see how allocation changes with this strategy. How does it affect dirspan? Why might this policy be good?

  8. One last policy change we will explore relates to file fragmentation. Run ./ffs.py -f in.fragmented -v and see if you can predict how the files that remain are allocated. Run with -c to confirm your answer. What is interesting about the data layout of file /i? Why is it problematic?

  9. A new policy, which we call contiguous allocation (-C), tries to ensure that each file is allocated contiguously. Specifically, with -C n, the file system tries to ensure that n contiguous blocks are free within a group before allocating a block. Run ./ffs.py -f in.fragmented -v -C 2 -c to see the difference. How does layout change as the parameter passed to -C increases? Finally, how does -C affect filespan and dirspan?

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