Scale and Performance of AFSv2

This lesson compares the performance of AFS with NFS based on different kinds of workloads.

We'll cover the following

With the new protocol in place, AFSv2 was measured and found to be much more scalable than the original version. Indeed, each server could support about 50 clients (instead of just 20). A further benefit was that client-side performance often came quite close to a local performance because in the common case, all file accesses were local; file reads usually went to the local disk cache (and potentially, local memory). Only when a client created a new file or wrote to an existing one was there a need to send a Store message to the server and thus update the file with new contents.


Let us also gain some perspective on AFS performance by comparing common file-system access scenarios with NFS. The figure below shows the results of our qualitative comparison.


In the figure, we examine typical read and write patterns analytically, for files of different sizes. Small files have NsN_s blocks in them; medium files have NmN_m blocks; large files have NLN_L blocks. We assume that small and medium files fit into the memory of a client; large files fit on a local disk but not in client memory.

We also assume, for the sake of analysis, that access across the network to the remote server for a file block takes LnetL_{net} time units. Access to local memory takes LmemL_{mem}, and access to local disk takes LdiskL_{disk}. The general assumption is that Lnet>Ldisk>LmemL_{net} > L_{disk} > L_{mem}.

Finally, we assume that the first access to a file does not hit in any caches. Subsequent file accesses (i.e., “re-reads”) we assume will hit in caches if the relevant cache has enough capacity to hold the file.

The columns of the figure show the time a particular operation (e.g., a small file sequential read) roughly takes on either NFS or AFS. The right-most column displays the ratio of AFS to NFS.


We make the following observations. First, in many cases, the performance of each system is roughly equivalent. For example, when first reading a file (e.g., Workloads 1, 3, 5), the time to fetch the file from the remote server dominates, and is similar on both systems. You might think AFS would be slower in this case, as it has to write the file to the local disk. However, those writes are buffered by the local (client-side) file system cache and thus said costs are likely hidden. Similarly, you might think that AFS reads from the local cached copy would be slower, again because AFS stores the cached copy on disk. However, AFS again benefits here from local file system caching; reads on AFS would likely hit in the client-side memory cache, and performance would be similar to NFS.

Second, an interesting difference arises during a large-file sequential re-read (Workload 6). Because AFS has a large local disk cache, it will access the file from there when the file is accessed again. NFS, in contrast, only can cache blocks in client memory. As a result, if a large file (i.e., a file bigger than local memory) is re-read, the NFS client will have to re-fetch the entire file from the remote server. Thus, AFS is faster than NFS in this case by a factor of LnetLdisk\frac {L_{net}} {L_{disk}}, assuming that remote access is indeed slower than local disk. We also note that NFS in this case increases server load, which has an impact on scale as well.

Third, we note that sequential writes (of new files) should perform similarly on both systems (Workloads 8, 9). AFS, in this case, will write the file to the local cached copy. When the file is closed, the AFS client will force the writes to the server, as per the protocol. NFS will buffer writes in client memory, perhaps forcing some blocks to the server due to client-side memory pressure, but definitely writing them to the server when the file is closed, to preserve NFS flush-on-close consistency. You might think AFS would be slower here, because it writes all data to local disk. However, realize that it is writing to a local file system; those writes are first committed to the page cache, and only later (in the background) to disk, and thus AFS reaps the benefits of the client-side OS memory caching infrastructure to improve performance.

Fourth, we note that AFS performs worse on a sequential file overwrite (Workload 10). Thus far, we have assumed that the workloads that write are also creating a new file. In this case, the file exists and is then over-written. Overwrite can be a particularly bad case for AFS, because the client first fetches the old file in its entirety, only to subsequently overwrite it. NFS, in contrast, will simply overwrite blocks and thus avoid the initial (useless) readWe assume here that NFS writes are block-sized and block-aligned; if they were not, the NFS client would also have to read the block first. We also assume the file was not opened with the O TRUNC flag; if it had been, the initial open in AFS would not fetch the soon to be truncated file’s contents..

Finally, workloads that access a small subset of data within large files perform much better on NFS than AFS (Workloads 7, 11). In these cases, the AFS protocol fetches the entire file when the file is opened; unfortunately, only a small read or write is performed. Even worse, if the file is modified, the entire file is written back to the server, doubling the performance impact. NFS, as a block-based protocol, performs I/O that is proportional to the size of the read or write.


Overall, we see that NFS and AFS make different assumptions and not surprisingly realize different performance outcomes as a result. Whether these differences matter is, as always, a question of workload.


One challenge of evaluating any system is the choice of workload. Because computer systems are used in so many different ways, there is a large variety of workloads to choose from. How should the storage system designer decide which workloads are important, in order to make reasonable design decisions?

The designers of AFS, given their experience in measuring how file systems were used, made certain workload assumptions. In particular, they assumed that most files were not frequently shared, and accessed sequentially in their entirety. Given those assumptions, the AFS design makes perfect sense.

However, these assumptions are not always correct. For example, imagine an application that appends information, periodically, to a log. These little log writes, which add small amounts of data to an existing large file, are quite problematic for AFS. Many other difficult workloads exist as well, e.g., random updates in a transaction database. One place to get some information about what types of workloads are common are through various research studies that have been performed. See any of these studies for good examples of workload analysis1-“Measurements of a Distributed File System” by Mary Baker, John Hartman, Martin Kupfer, Ken Shirriff, John Ousterhout. SOSP ’91, Pacific Grove, California, October 1991. An early paper measuring how people use distributed file systems. Matches much of the intuition found in AFS. 2-“A File is Not a File: Understanding the I/O Behavior of Apple Desktop Applications” by Tyler Harter, Chris Dragga, Michael Vaughn, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci- Dusseau. SOSP ’11, New York, New York, October 2011. Our own paper studying the behavior of Apple Desktop workloads; turns out they are a bit different than many of the server-based workloads the systems research community usually focuses upon. Also a good recent reference which points to a lot of related work. 3-“A Comparison of File System Workloads” by Drew Roselli, Jacob R. Lorch, Thomas E. Anderson. USENIX ’00, San Diego, California, June 2000. A more recent set of traces as compared to the Baker paper [B+91], with some interesting twists. 4-“File system usage in Windows NT 4.0” by Werner Vogels. SOSP ’99, Kiawah Island Resort, South Carolina, December 1999. A cool study of Windows workloads, which are inherently different than many of the UNIX-based studies that had previously been done., including the AFS retrospective“Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System” by John H. Howard, Michael L. Kazar, Sherri G. Menees, David A. Nichols, M. Satyanarayanan, Robert N. Sidebotham, Michael J. West. ACM Transactions on Computing Systems (ACM TOCS), Volume 6:1, February 1988. The long journal version of the famous AFS system, still in use in a number of places throughout the world, and also probably the earliest clear thinking on how to build distributed file systems. A wonderful combination of the science of measurement and principled engineering..

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