
Enhance your understanding by getting hands-on practice ​with this exercise on condition variables.

We'll cover the following

This exercise lets you explore some real code that uses locks and condition variables to implement various forms of the producer/consumer queue discussed in the chapter. You’ll look at the real code, run it in various configurations, and use it to learn about what works and what doesn’t, as well as other intricacies. See the previous lesson for details on the given code.

As always you’re highly encouraged to discuss your answers on the Discuss thread for this exercise.

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mythreads.h"

#include "pc-header.h"

// used in producer/consumer signaling protocol
pthread_cond_t empty  = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t fill   = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t m     = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

#include "main-header.h"

void do_fill(int value) {
    // ensure empty before usage
    ensure(buffer[fill_ptr] == EMPTY, "error: tried to fill a non-empty buffer");
    buffer[fill_ptr] = value;
    fill_ptr = (fill_ptr + 1) % max;

int do_get() {
    int tmp = buffer[use_ptr];
    ensure(tmp != EMPTY, "error: tried to get an empty buffer");
    buffer[use_ptr] = EMPTY; 
    use_ptr = (use_ptr + 1) % max;
    return tmp;

void *producer(void *arg) {
    int id = (int) arg;
    // make sure each producer produces unique values
    int base = id * loops; 
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {   p0;
	Mutex_lock(&m);             p1;
	while (num_full == max) {   p2;
	    Cond_wait(&empty, &m);  p3;
	do_fill(base + i);          p4;
	Cond_signal(&fill);         p5;
	Mutex_unlock(&m);           p6;
    return NULL;
void *consumer(void *arg) {
    int id = (int) arg;
    int tmp = 0;
    int consumed_count = 0;
    while (tmp != END_OF_STREAM) { c0;
	Mutex_lock(&m);            c1;
	while (num_full == 0) {    c2;
	    Cond_wait(&fill, &m);  c3;
	tmp = do_get();            c4;
	Cond_signal(&empty);       c5;
	Mutex_unlock(&m);          c6;

    // return consumer_count-1 because END_OF_STREAM does not count
    return (void *) (long long) (consumed_count - 1);

// must set these appropriately to use "main-common.c"
pthread_cond_t *fill_cv = &fill;
pthread_cond_t *empty_cv = &empty;

// all codes use this common base to start producers/consumers
// and all the other related stuff
#include "main-common.c"


  1. Our first question focuses on main-two-cvs-while.c (the working solution). First, study the code. Do you think you have an understanding of what should happen when you run the program?

  2. Run with one producer and one consumer, and have the producer produce a few values. Start with a buffer (size 1), and then increase it. How does the behavior of the code change with larger buffers? (or does it?) What would you predict num_full to be with different buffer sizes (e.g., -m 10) and different numbers of produced items (e.g., -l 100), when you change the consumer sleep string from default (no sleep) to -C 0,0,0,0,0,0,1?

  3. If possible, run the code on different systems(e.g., a Mac and Linux). Do you see different behavior across these systems?

  4. Let’s look at some timings. How long do you think the following execution, with one producer, three consumers, a single-entry shared buffer, and each consumer pausing at point c3 for a second, will take? ./main-two-cvs-while -p 1 -c 3 -m 1 -C 0,0,0,1,0,0,0:0,0,0,1,0,0,0:0,0,0,1,0,0,0 -l 10 -v -t

  5. Now change the size of the shared buffer to 3 (-m 3). Will this make any difference in the total time?

  6. Now change the location of the sleep to c6 (this models a consumer taking something off the queue and then doing something with it), again using a single-entry buffer. What time do you predict in this case? ./main-two-cvs-while -p 1 -c 3 -m 1 -C 0,0,0,0,0,0,1:0,0,0,0,0,0,1:0,0,0,0,0,0,1 -l 10 -v -t

  7. Finally, change the buffer size to 3 again (-m 3). What time do you predict now?

  8. Now let’s look at main-one-cv-while.c. Can you configure a sleep string, assuming a single producer, one consumer, and a buffer of size 1, to cause a problem with this code?

  9. Now change the number of consumers to two. Can you construct sleep strings for the producer and the consumers so as to cause a problem in the code?

  10. Now examine main-two-cvs-if.c. Can you cause a problem to happen in this code? Again consider the case where there is only one consumer, and then the case where there is more than one.

  11. Finally, examine main-two-cvs-while-extra-unlock.c. What problem arises when you release the lock before doing a put or a get? Can you reliably cause such a problem to happen, given the sleep strings? What bad thing can happen?

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